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Category: InteractionExperiment
Type Details Score
Interaction Experiment
Description: A peptide aptamer to antagonize BCL-6 function.
Interaction Experiment
Description: JPDI, a novel endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein containing both a BiP-interacting J-domain and thioredoxin-like motifs.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Stathmin interaction with a putative kinase and coiled-coil-forming protein domains.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Essential cytoplasmic translocation of a cytokine receptor-assembled signaling complex.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Characterization of a new family of cyclin-dependent kinase activators.
Interaction Experiment
Description: TEAD/TEF transcription factors utilize the activation domain of YAP65, a Src/Yes-associated protein localized in the cytoplasm.
Interaction Experiment
Description: CIKS, a connection to Ikappa B kinase and stress-activated protein kinase.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Identification of TBC7 having TBC domain as a novel binding protein to TSC1-TSC2 complex.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A positively charged channel within the Smc1/Smc3 hinge required for sister chromatid cohesion.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Signaling across the synapse: a role for Wnt and Dishevelled in presynaptic assembly and neurotransmitter release.
Interaction Experiment
Description: TGFbeta3 inhibits E-cadherin gene expression in palate medial-edge epithelial cells through a Smad2-Smad4-LEF1 transcription complex.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Genetic screening for regulators of prz1, a transcriptional factor acting downstream of calcineurin in fission yeast.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A kinase associated with chromatin that can be activated by ligand-p185c-Neu or epidermal growth factor-receptor interactions.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Identification of PCIF1, a POZ domain protein that inhibits PDX-1 (MODY4) transcriptional activity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Dynamin forms a Src kinase-sensitive complex with Cbl and regulates podosomes and osteoclast activity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A novel active site-directed probe specific for deubiquitylating enzymes reveals proteasome association of USP14.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Zizimin2: a novel, DOCK180-related Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor expressed predominantly in lymphocytes.
Interaction Experiment
Description: CacyBP/SIP, a calcyclin and Siah-1-interacting protein, binds EF-hand proteins of the S100 family.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A direct physical interaction between Nanog and Sox2 regulates embryonic stem cell self-renewal.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Functional redundancy among Nanos proteins and a distinct role of Nanos2 during male germ cell development.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Rab40C is a novel Varp-binding protein that promotes proteasomal degradation of Varp in melanocytes.
Interaction Experiment
Description: GPR17 is a negative regulator of the cysteinyl leukotriene 1 receptor response to leukotriene D4.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Novel DNA binding by a basic helix-loop-helix protein. The role of the dioxin receptor PAS domain.
Interaction Experiment
Description: DIDO as a Switchboard that Regulates Self-Renewal and Differentiation inEmbryonic Stem Cells.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Association of epidermal growth factor receptors with coated pit adaptins via a tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated mechanism.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Leupaxin is a critical adaptor protein in the adhesion zone of the osteoclast.
Interaction Experiment
Description: MDMX: a novel p53-binding protein with some functional properties of MDM2.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Histone methyltransferase activity associated with a human multiprotein complex containing the Enhancer of Zeste protein.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Identification and characterization of a novel Dvl-binding protein that suppresses Wnt signalling pathway.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Identification of the ubiquitin-like domain of midnolin as a new glucokinase interaction partner.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The host cell ubiquitin ligase protein CHIP is a potent suppressor of HIV-1 replication.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A family of secreted proteins contains homology to the cysteine-rich ligand-binding domain of frizzled receptors.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A role for histone deacetylase HDAC1 in modulating the transcriptional activity of MyoD: inhibition of the myogenic program.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The let-7 target gene mouse lin-41 is a stem cell specific E3 ubiquitin ligase for the miRNA pathway protein Ago2.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Degradation of the tumor suppressor protein p53 by the ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic system requires a novel species of ubiquitin-carrier protein, E2.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A conserved non-homeodomain Hoxa9 isoform interacting with CBP is co-expressed with the typical Hoxa9 protein during embryogenesis.
Interaction Experiment
Description: MYCBP2 Is a Guanosine Exchange Factor for Ran Protein and Determines Its Localization in Neurons of Dorsal Root Ganglia.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Unbiased screen for interactors of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 supports a common pathway for sporadic and familial Parkinson disease.
Interaction Experiment
Description: FVT-1 is a mammalian 3-ketodihydrosphingosine reductase with an active site that faces the cytosolic side of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
Interaction Experiment
Description: A positive role of mammalian Tip41-like protein, TIPRL, in the amino-acid dependent mTORC1-signaling pathway through interaction with PP2A.
Interaction Experiment
Description: BRPK, a novel protein kinase showing increased expression in mouse cancer cell lines with higher metastatic potential.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Phosphorylation of eIF4E Confers Resistance to Cellular Stress and DNA-Damaging Agents through an Interaction with 4E-T: A Rationale for Novel Therapeutic Approaches.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Uncoupling of bait-protein expression from the prey protein environment adds versatility for cell and tissue interaction proteomics and reveals a complex of CARP-1 and the PKA Cbeta1 subunit.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Histone H2AX phosphorylation is dispensable for the initial recognition of DNA breaks.
Interaction Experiment
Description: v-Abl signaling disrupts SOCS-1 function in transformed pre-B cells.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Differential expression and subcellular distribution of the mouse metastasis-associated proteins Mta1 and Mta3.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Actin-binding protein-280 binds the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) activator SEK-1 and is required for tumor necrosis factor-alpha activation of SAPK in melanoma cells.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Interaction of gamma 1-syntrophin with diacylglycerol kinase-zeta. Regulation of nuclear localization by PDZ interactions.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Phosphotyrosine-independent binding of SHC to the NPLH sequence of murine protein-tyrosine phosphatase-PEST. Evidence for extended phosphotyrosine binding/phosphotyrosine interaction domain recognition specificity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Axonal transport of amyloid precursor protein is mediated by direct binding to the kinesin light chain subunit of kinesin-I.
Interaction Experiment
Description: ADA3-containing complexes associate with estrogen receptor alpha.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Bin1 interacts with and restrains the DNA end-binding protein complex Ku.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Mammalian CAP interacts with CAP, CAP2, and actin.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The nucleoporin RanBP2 has SUMO1 E3 ligase activity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The PDZ domain protein PICK1 and the sodium channel BNaC1 interact and localize at mechanosensory terminals of dorsal root ganglion neurons and dendrites of central neurons.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Splicing and transcription-associated proteins PSF and p54nrb/nonO bind to the RNA polymerase II CTD.
Interaction Experiment
Description: TRAF6-deficient mice display hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Transient membrane recruitment of IRAK-1 in response to LPS and IL-1beta requires TNF R1.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Proteolysis of AKAP121 regulates mitochondrial activity during cellular hypoxia and brain ischaemia.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Regulation of early wave of germ cell apoptosis and spermatogenesis by deubiquitinating enzyme CYLD.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Regulation of p53 localization and activity by Ubc13.
Interaction Experiment
Description: In vivo destabilization of dynamic microtubules by HDAC6-mediated deacetylation.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Sox2 induction by FGF and FGFR2 activating mutations inhibits Wnt signaling and osteoblast differentiation.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Unique mechanisms of growth regulation and tumor suppression upon Apc inactivation in the pancreas.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Histone deacetylase 9 couples neuronal activity to muscle chromatin acetylation and gene expression.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Thr176 regulates the activity of the mouse nuclear receptor CAR and is conserved in the NR1I subfamily members PXR and VDR.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Loss of Toll-like receptor 2 and 4 leads to differential induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and proapoptotic responses in the intestinal epithelium under conditions of chronic inflammation.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Histone deacetylase 1 can repress transcription by binding to Sp1.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Beta-catenin is temporally regulated during normal liver development.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Phosphorylation of the chromodomain changes the binding specificity of Cbx2 for methylated histone H3.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Securin degradation is mediated by fzy and fzr, and is required for complete chromatid separation but not for cytokinesis.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Distinct roles of Hand2 in initiating polarity and posterior Shh expression during the onset of mouse limb bud development.
Interaction Experiment
Description: mGrb10 interacts with Nedd4.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The interaction of Piasy with Trim32, an E3-ubiquitin ligase mutated in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H, promotes Piasy degradation and regulates UVB-induced keratinocyte apoptosis through NFkappaB.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Crystal structure of the NEMO ubiquitin-binding domain in complex with Lys 63-linked di-ubiquitin.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Nedd4-1 and beta-arrestin-1 are key regulators of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 ubiquitylation, endocytosis, and function.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The HECT-type E3 ubiquitin ligase AIP2 inhibits activation-induced T-cell death by catalyzing EGR2 ubiquitination.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Phosphorylation of the recombinant rho1 GABA receptor.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Arkadia complexes with clathrin adaptor AP2 and regulates EGF signalling.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Notch and EGFR pathway interaction regulates neural stem cell number and self-renewal.
Interaction Experiment
Description: MAGE-D1 regulates expression of depression-like behavior through serotonin transporter ubiquitylation.
Interaction Experiment
Description: TGFbeta3 signaling activates transcription of the LEF1 gene to induce epithelial mesenchymal transformation during mouse palate development.
Interaction Experiment
Description: An arsenite-inducible 19S regulatory particle-associated protein adapts proteasomes to proteotoxicity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Removal of shelterin reveals the telomere end-protection problem.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Rev-erb and Rev-erb coordinately protect the circadian clock and normal metabolic function.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Single point mutation in Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) sequence of endophilin impairs dimerization, membrane shaping, and Src homology 3 domain-mediated partnership.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Proteolytically cleaved MLL subunits are susceptible to distinct degradation pathways.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The insulin receptor catalyzes the tyrosine phosphorylation of caveolin-1.
Interaction Experiment
Description: RAD21 cooperates with pluripotency transcription factors in the maintenance of embryonic stem cell identity.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Lysosomal accumulation of Trk protein in brain of GM -gangliosidosis mouse and its restoration by chemical chaperone.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Protective role of the ubiquitin binding protein Tollip against the toxicity of polyglutamine-expansion proteins.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Mammalian formin-1 participates in adherens junctions and polymerization of linear actin cables.
Interaction Experiment
Description: TAK1-dependent signaling requires functional interaction with TAB2/TAB3.
Interaction Experiment
Description: GRK2 interacts with and phosphorylates Nedd4 and Nedd4-2.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The ectodermal dysplasia receptor activates the nuclear factor-kappaB, JNK, and cell death pathways and binds to ectodysplasin A.
Interaction Experiment
Description: The novel Nrf2-interacting factor KAP1 regulates susceptibility to oxidative stress by promoting the Nrf2-mediated cytoprotective response.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Loss of the tumor suppressor BAP1 causes myeloid transformation.
Interaction Experiment
Description: BAG3 and Hsc70 interact with actin capping protein CapZ to maintain myofibrillar integrity under mechanical stress.
Interaction Experiment
Description: Functional consequences of necdin nucleocytoplasmic localization.
Interaction Experiment
Description: HSP90 regulates cell survival via inositol hexakisphosphate kinase-2.