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Publication : Cloning and characterization of a novel G-protein-coupled receptor with homology to galanin receptors.

First Author  Ignatov A Year  2004
Journal  Neuropharmacology Volume  46
Issue  8 Pages  1114-20
PubMed ID  15111018 Mgi Jnum  J:89535
Mgi Id  MGI:3040625 Doi  10.1016/j.neuropharm.2004.02.004
Citation  Ignatov A, et al. (2004) Cloning and characterization of a novel G-protein-coupled receptor with homology to galanin receptors. Neuropharmacology 46(8):1114-20
abstractText  We report the identification, cloning, and localization of human and mouse orthologues of a new G-protein-coupled receptor with homology to galanin receptors, which we termed galanin-receptor like (GalRL). The genes of GalRL were localized to chromosome 5q32 in human and to 18B3 in mouse. Northern blot analysis revealed expression of GalRL in the central nervous system of human and mouse and in 7- and 15-day-old mouse embryos. Minor levels were found in some peripheral organs and tissues, such as testis, liver, kidney and stomach. In situ hybridization experiments demonstrated predominant expression of GalRL in the central nervous system, with a distinct localization in the habenular complex. In the peripheral nervous system single neurons of sensory ganglia were labeled. During embryonal development the expression was more widespread in the nervous system, where in addition to the dorsal thalamus, hybridization signals were detected in other areas of the brain including the striatum, the locus coeruleus, and several hindbrain nuclei. A weak activation of GalRL by galanin suggests that the endogenous ligand shares structural features with galanin.
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