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Publication : Stepwise B-cell-dependent expansion of T helper clonotypes diversifies the T-cell response.

First Author  Merkenschlager J Year  2016
Journal  Nat Commun Volume  7
Pages  10281 PubMed ID  26728651
Mgi Jnum  J:235821 Mgi Id  MGI:5803757
Doi  10.1038/ncomms10281 Citation  Merkenschlager J, et al. (2016) Stepwise B-cell-dependent expansion of T helper clonotypes diversifies the T-cell response. Nat Commun 7:10281
abstractText  Antigen receptor diversity underpins adaptive immunity by providing the ground for clonal selection of lymphocytes with the appropriate antigen reactivity. Current models attribute T cell clonal selection during the immune response to T-cell receptor (TCR) affinity for either foreign or self peptides. Here, we report that clonal selection of CD4(+) T cells is also extrinsically regulated by B cells. In response to viral infection, the antigen-specific TCR repertoire is progressively diversified by staggered clonotypic expansion, according to functional avidity, which correlates with self-reactivity. Clonal expansion of lower-avidity T-cell clonotypes depends on availability of MHC II-expressing B cells, in turn influenced by B-cell activation. B cells clonotypically diversify the CD4(+) T-cell response also to vaccination or tumour challenge, revealing a common effect.
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