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Publication : Sequence and structure of the mouse gene for RPE65.

First Author  Boulanger A Year  2001
Journal  Mol Vis Volume  7
Pages  283-7 PubMed ID  11740468
Mgi Jnum  J:88920 Mgi Id  MGI:3037449
Citation  Boulanger A, et al. (2001) Sequence and structure of the mouse gene for RPE65. Mol Vis 7:283-7
abstractText  PURPOSE: To determine the genomic organization of the mouse gene for the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) specific protein RPE65. METHODS: A genomic clone containing the entire Rpe65 gene was isolated from a mouse genomic P1 library. Fragments of this clone were subcloned and sequenced by automated fluorescent dideoxy DNA sequencing and analyzed. Direct sequencing of PCR amplification products was used to complete the structure. Primer extension analysis was used to determine the transcription start site. RESULTS: Southern hybridization of restriction digests of mouse genomic DNA reveals a likely single autosomal gene for Rpe65 with no evidence of pseudogenes. Sequence analysis of the mouse P1 clone for Rpe65 and fragments thereof reveals 14 exons distributed over 27 kbp. The transcription start site is located 57 bp upstream of the initiation codon. The protein encoded by the mouse Rpe65 gene is highly conserved when compared with RPE65s from other species. CONCLUSIONS: RPE65 is a highly conserved protein and it appears that the genes for the mouse and human RPE65s, at least, are also conserved in overall structure.
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