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Publication : Sox group E gene expression distinguishes different types and maturational stages of glial cells in developing chick and mouse.

First Author  Kordes U Year  2005
Journal  Brain Res Dev Brain Res Volume  157
Issue  2 Pages  209-13
PubMed ID  15878625 Mgi Jnum  J:99321
Mgi Id  MGI:3581986 Doi  10.1016/j.devbrainres.2005.03.009
Citation  Kordes U, et al. (2005) Sox group E gene expression distinguishes different types and maturational stages of glial cells in developing chick and mouse. Brain Res Dev Brain Res 157(2):209-13
abstractText  The SoxE genes, Sox8, Sox9 and Sox10, have been shown to modulate glial specification and differentiation in the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord. However, little is known of their expression during brain development. We have therefore analyzed their expression in developing brain, focused on the cerebellum. In situ hybridization showed a striking degree of temporo-spatial variation in their expression in different glial lineages in both chick and mouse. Sox8 appeared both in oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, Sox9 was more abundant in astrocytes and Sox10 was restricted to later stages of oligodendrocyte development.
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