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Publication : Cathepsin P, a novel protease in mouse placenta.

First Author  Sol-Church K Year  1999
Journal  Biochem J Volume  343 Pt 2
Pages  307-9 PubMed ID  10510293
Mgi Jnum  J:58156 Mgi Id  MGI:1346887
Citation  Sol-Church K, et al. (1999) Cathepsin P, a novel protease in mouse placenta. Biochem J 343 Pt 2:307-9
abstractText  The complete cDNA nucleotide sequence of a novel cathepsin derived from mouse placenta, termed cathepsin P, was determined. mRNA for cathepsin P was expressed in placenta and at lower levels in visceral yolk sac, but could not be detected in a range of adult tissues. The expression pattern of this protease indicates that it probably plays an important role during implantation and fetal development.
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