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Comment :

Type  developmental stage Description  Expression detected from 8.5 dpc through to 13.5 dpc, with a considerable increase in expression apparent at 13.5 dpc (PubMed:9337129, PubMed:18505825, PubMed:20596238). Expressed throughout the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as the mesenchyme of many developing organs between 12.5 dpc and 14.5 dpc (PubMed:18403418). Abundantly expressed in the developing cerebral cortex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellar cortex, and ganglia in the brain at 14.5 dpc and 16.5 dpc with low expression at 18.5 dpc (PubMed:18505825). Abundantly expressed in the gut epithelium at 14.5 dpc (PubMed:18505825). Abundantly expressed in the olfactory epithelium with low expression in skin, spinal cord, kidney, heart, muscle, cartilage from 14.5 dpc to 18.5 dpc (PubMed:18505825). Very low expression in intestine and lung, with no expression detectable at 18.5 dpc (PubMed:18505825). Abundantly expressed in the subventricular zone of the brain at 18.5 dpc (PubMed:18505825). Expressed in the brain at postnatal day 2(PubMed:18403418).