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Type  MGI:General Description  outer hair cells show greater sensitivity to hypotonic stress than wild-type cells, with an immediate change in cell shape of a 11% decrease in length and 15% increase in width compared to 4% length decrease and 5% width increase in wild-type cells, an 18% increase in volume compared to 6% increase in wild-type, and some cells bursting outer hair cells exposed to a milder hypotonic stress by reducing the extracellular osmolarity show a 10% decrease in length and 16% increase in wight compared to wild-type cells which are resistant to this hypotonic stress while wild-type outer hair cells show increased intracellular calcium concentration in response to a hypo-osmotic stimulus, mutant outer hair cells do no show a change in intracellular calcium concentration outer hair cells exhibit unchanged K+ currents compared to wild-type cells which show increased outward K+ currents hypo-osmolarity-induced currents are absent in outer hair cells