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Publication : Talin regulates integrin β1-dependent and -independent cell functions in ureteric bud development.

First Author  Mathew S Year  2017
Journal  Development Volume  144
Issue  22 Pages  4148-4158
PubMed ID  28993400 Mgi Jnum  J:248183
Mgi Id  MGI:5927368 Doi  10.1242/dev.149914
Citation  Mathew S, et al. (2017) Talin regulates integrin beta1-dependent and -independent cell functions in ureteric bud development. Development 144(22):4148-4158
abstractText  Kidney collecting system development requires integrin-dependent cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane receptors consisting of alpha and beta subunits; crucial integrins in the kidney collecting system express the beta1 subunit. The beta1 cytoplasmic tail has two NPxY motifs that mediate functions by binding to cytoplasmic signaling and scaffolding molecules. Talins, scaffolding proteins that bind to the membrane proximal NPxY motif, are proposed to activate integrins and to link them to the actin cytoskeleton. We have defined the role of talin binding to the beta1 proximal NPxY motif in the developing kidney collecting system in mice that selectively express a Y-to-A mutation in this motif. The mice developed a hypoplastic dysplastic collecting system. Collecting duct cells expressing this mutation had moderate abnormalities in cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and growth factor-dependent signaling. In contrast, mice lacking talins in the developing ureteric bud developed kidney agenesis and collecting duct cells had severe cytoskeletal, adhesion and polarity defects. Thus, talins are essential for kidney collecting duct development through mechanisms that extend beyond those requiring binding to the beta1 integrin subunit NPxY motif.
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