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Protein Coding Gene : Supv3l1 suppressor of var1, 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)

Primary Identifier  MGI:2441711 Organism  mouse, laboratory
Chromosome  10 NCBI Gene Number  338359
Mgi Type  protein coding gene
description  FUNCTION: Automated description from the Alliance of Genome Resources (Release 7.0.0)

Predicted to enable helicase activity; nucleic acid binding activity; and protein homodimerization activity. Predicted to be involved in several processes, including DNA duplex unwinding; mitochondrial RNA metabolic process; and positive regulation of mitochondrial RNA catabolic process. Located in mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including brain; early embryo; extraembryonic component; sensory organ; and skin. Orthologous to human SUPV3L1 (Suv3 like RNA helicase).
PHENOTYPE: Mice homozygous for a hypomorphic allele exhibit embryonic lethality between E9.5 and E12.5. Mice homozygous for a knock-out allele exhibit embryonic lethality between E8.5 and 9.5. Mice heterozygous for this allele produce offspring with mitochondrial defects regardless of offspring genotype. [provided by MGI curators]
  • synonyms:
  • Supv3l1,
  • RIKEN cDNA 6330443E10 gene,
  • 6330443E10Rik,
  • suppressor of var1, 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)

Features --> Cross References


Sequence Feature Displayer

JG Browse Displayer

0 Canonical

0 CDSs

0 Exons

0 Genomic Clusters

2 Involved In Mutations

0 Strain

0 Transcripts

0 Transgenic Expressors

0 UTRs

Canonical gene --> CDSs in specific strains.

Canonical gene --> Exons in specific strains

Canonical gene --> Strain-specific IDs, biotypes, and locations

Canonical gene --> Transcripts in specific strains.

Features --> Overlapping features


Gene --> Proteins


Mouse features --> Functions (GO terms)


Genes --> Homologs


0 Pathways

0 Targeted By

Gene --> Protein-Protein Interactions


Gene --> Expression annotations


Genes/Features --> Phenotypes (MP terms)


Mouse features --> Human diseases


Mouse features --> Publications



0 Driver For