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Publication : Synergy between tumor suppressor APC and the beta-catenin-Tcf4 target Tcf1.

First Author  Roose J Year  1999
Journal  Science Volume  285
Issue  5435 Pages  1923-6
PubMed ID  10489374 Mgi Jnum  J:57721
Mgi Id  MGI:1345583 Doi  10.1126/science.285.5435.1923
Citation  Roose J, et al. (1999) Synergy between tumor suppressor APC and the beta-catenin-Tcf4 target Tcf1. Science 285(5435):1923-6
abstractText  Mutations in APC or beta-catenin inappropriately activate the transcription factor Tcf4, thereby transforming intestinal epithelial cells. Here it is shown that one of the target genes of Tcf4 in epithelial cells is Tcf1. The most abundant Tcf1 isoforms lack a beta-catenin interaction domain. Tcf1(-/-) mice develop adenomas in the gut and mammary glands. Introduction of a mutant APC allele into these mice substantially increases the number of these adenomas. Tcf1 may act as a feedback repressor of beta-catenin-Tcf4 target genes and thus may cooperate with APC to suppress malignant transformation of epithelial cells.
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