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Allele : Rmcf<r> resistance to MCF virus; MCF resistant

Primary Identifier  MGI:3798960 Allele Type  Spontaneous
Gene  Rmcf Strain of Origin  multiple strains
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false

This locus controls resistance and susceptibility of cells in tissue culture to infection by mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia viruses. The allele Rmcfr determines resistance and occurs in strains DBA/1, DBA/2, and CBA/Ca; the allele Rmcfs determines susceptibility and occurs in strains AKR/J, C57BL/6, BALB/c, CBA/J, NFS, NZB, 129/J, and many others. Heterozygotes are as resistant as the resistant parent or nearly so. Rmcf is different from and independent of Fv1, a locus that controls susceptibility to infection by ecotropic viruses. Rmcf is located on Chr 5 close to Hm near the centromeric end (J:7108). Rmcfr protects (AKR x CBA/Ca)F1 and (AKR x DBA/2)F1 hybrids from development of spontaneous thymic lymphomas and reduces the incidence of MCF-induced thymic lymphomas (J:7175). It also reduces susceptibility of cells of Sxvs/Sxvr mice to exogenous xenotropic viruses (J:7951). In addition, in strains susceptible to Friend virus-induced erythroleukemia, a condition thought to be due to the replication of MCF virus, Rmcfr increases resistance to the virus-induced erythroleukemia. It may cause resistance by coding for or regulating the production of an MCF-related envelope glycoprotein that blocks the receptor for MCF viruses (J:8074). This conclusion is reinforced by the findings of Buller et al. (J:8497), who showed that the Rmcfr allele contains an endogenous MCF gp70 env gene and that the Rmcfs allele, at least in some strains (C57BL/6, CBA/J, and A/WySn), contains a xenotropic gp70 env gene. Presumably the MCF gp70 inhibits exogenous MCF infection in vitro by a mechanism of viral interference.

molecularNote  This locus controls resistance of cells to infection by mink cell focus-forming murine leukemia viruses. The dominant r (resistance) allele is found in strains DBA/1, DBA/2 and CBA/Ca.
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