Primary Identifier | MGI:1338068 | Organism | mouse, laboratory |
Chromosome | 17 | NCBI Gene Number | 18607 |
Mgi Type | protein coding gene |
description | FUNCTION: Automated description from the Alliance of Genome Resources (Release 7.3.0) Enables 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase activity. Involved in several processes, including cell surface receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway; negative regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process; and type B pancreatic cell development. Acts upstream of or within hyperosmotic response. Located in cytoplasmic vesicle and postsynaptic density. Is expressed in several structures, including central nervous system; early conceptus; gonad; hemolymphoid system gland; and retina. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in prostate cancer. Orthologous to several human genes including PDPK1 (3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase 1). PHENOTYPE: Homozygous mutant mice exhibit embryogenesis defects, impaired forebrain development, and die by mid gestation. Cardiac muscle-specific conditional mutants exhibit thin ventricular walls and die of heart failure. [provided by MGI curators] |