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Publication : CCR6 regulates the migration of inflammatory and regulatory T cells.

First Author  Yamazaki T Year  2008
Journal  J Immunol Volume  181
Issue  12 Pages  8391-401
PubMed ID  19050256 Mgi Jnum  J:142071
Mgi Id  MGI:3820359 Doi  10.4049/jimmunol.181.12.8391
Citation  Yamazaki T, et al. (2008) CCR6 regulates the migration of inflammatory and regulatory T cells. J Immunol 181(12):8391-401
abstractText  Th17 and regulatory T (Treg) cells play opposite roles in autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms underlying their proper migration to inflammatory tissues are unclear. In this study, we report that these two T cell subsets both express CCR6. CCR6 expression in Th17 cells is regulated by TGF-beta and requires two nuclear receptors, RORalpha and RORgamma. Th17 cells also express the CCR6 ligand CCL20, which is induced synergistically by TGF-beta and IL-6, which requires STAT3, RORgamma and IL-21. Th17 cells, by producing CCL20, promote migration of Th17 and Treg cells in vitro in a CCR6-dependent manner. Lack of CCR6 in Th17 cells reduces the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and Th17 and Treg recruitment into inflammatory tissues. Similarly, CCR6 on Treg cells is also important for their recruitment into inflammatory tissues. Our data indicate an important role of CCR6 in Treg and Th17 cell migration.
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