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Publication : Studying Brain Circuit Function with Dynamic Causal Modeling for Optogenetic fMRI.

First Author  Bernal-Casas D Year  2017
Journal  Neuron Volume  93
Issue  3 Pages  522-532.e5
PubMed ID  28132829 Mgi Jnum  J:249914
Mgi Id  MGI:6100164 Doi  10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.035
Citation  Bernal-Casas D, et al. (2017) Studying Brain Circuit Function with Dynamic Causal Modeling for Optogenetic fMRI. Neuron 93(3):522-532.e5
abstractText  Defining the large-scale behavior of brain circuits with cell type specificity is a major goal of neuroscience. However, neuronal circuit diagrams typically draw upon anatomical and electrophysiological measurements acquired in isolation. Consequently, a dynamic and cell-type-specific connectivity map has never been constructed from simultaneous measurements across the brain. Here, we introduce dynamic causal modeling (DCM) for optogenetic fMRI experiments-which uniquely allow cell-type-specific, brain-wide functional measurements-to parameterize the causal relationships among regions of a distributed brain network with cell type specificity. Strikingly, when applied to the brain-wide basal ganglia-thalamocortical network, DCM accurately reproduced the empirically observed time series, and the strongest connections were key connections of optogenetically stimulated pathways. We predict that quantitative and cell-type-specific descriptions of dynamic connectivity, as illustrated here, will empower novel systems-level understanding of neuronal circuit dynamics and facilitate the design of more effective neuromodulation therapies.
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