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Publication : Identification of Two Subsets of Murine DC1 Dendritic Cells That Differ by Surface Phenotype, Gene Expression, and Function.

First Author  Hongo D Year  2021
Journal  Front Immunol Volume  12
Pages  746469 PubMed ID  34777358
Mgi Jnum  J:314699 Mgi Id  MGI:6826095
Doi  10.3389/fimmu.2021.746469 Citation  Hongo D, et al. (2021) Identification of Two Subsets of Murine DC1 Dendritic Cells That Differ by Surface Phenotype, Gene Expression, and Function. Front Immunol 12:746469
abstractText  Classical dendritic cells (cDCs) in mice have been divided into 2 major subsets based on the expression of nuclear transcription factors: a CD8(+)Irf8(+)Batf3 dependent (DC1) subset, and a CD8(-)Irf4(+) (DC2) subset. We found that the CD8(+)DC1 subset can be further divided into CD8(+)DC1a and CD8(+)DC1b subsets by differences in surface receptors, gene expression, and function. Whereas all 3 DC subsets can act alone to induce potent Th1 cytokine responses to class I and II MHC restricted peptides derived from ovalbumin (OVA) by OT-I and OT-II transgenic T cells, only the DC1b subset could effectively present glycolipid antigens to natural killer T (NKT) cells. Vaccination with OVA protein pulsed DC1b and DC2 cells were more effective in reducing the growth of the B16-OVA melanoma as compared to pulsed DC1a cells in wild type mice. In conclusion, the Batf3-/- dependent DC1 cells can be further divided into two subsets with different immune functional profiles in vitro and in vivo.
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