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Publication : Failure to express GAP-43 leads to disruption of a multipotent precursor and inhibits astrocyte differentiation.

First Author  Shen Y Year  2004
Journal  Mol Cell Neurosci Volume  26
Issue  3 Pages  390-405
PubMed ID  15234344 Mgi Jnum  J:96764
Mgi Id  MGI:3531391 Doi  10.1016/j.mcn.2004.03.004
Citation  Shen Y, et al. (2004) Failure to express GAP-43 leads to disruption of a multipotent precursor and inhibits astrocyte differentiation. Mol Cell Neurosci 26(3):390-405
abstractText  The nervous system-specific protein GAP-43 is significantly upregulated in neurons and glia that are differentiating. In P19 EC cells that do not express GAP-43, neurogenesis is inhibited; many immature neurons apoptose and the survivors do not mature morphologically. Here we show that the initial defect is in an early precursor with characteristics of a neural stem cell, which failed to respond normally to retinoic acid (RA). As a consequence, its progeny had altered cell fates: In addition to the neuronal defects previously reported, RC1-labeled radial glia failed to exit the cell cycle, accumulated, and failed to acquire GFAP immunoreactivity. However, leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) could stimulate GFAP expression suggesting that astrocytes not derived from radial glia are less affected by absence of GAP-43. Differentiation of radial glia-derived astrocytes was also inhibited in glial cultures from GAP-43 (-/-) cerebellum, and in GAP-43 (-/-) telencephalon in vivo, differentiation of astrocytes derived from both radial and nonradial glia lineages were both affected: In the glial wedge, GFAP-labeled radial glia-derived astrocytes were reduced consistent with the interpretation that they may be unable to deflect GAP-43 (-/-) commissural axons toward the midline. At the midline, both radial and nonradial glia-derived astrocytes were also decreased although it fused normally. The results demonstrate that GAP-43 expressed in multipotent precursors is required for appropriate cell fate commitment, and that its absence affects astrocyte as well as neuronal differentiation.
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