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Protein Coding Gene : Trpm6 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6

Primary Identifier  MGI:2675603 Organism  mouse, laboratory
Chromosome  19 NCBI Gene Number  225997
Mgi Type  protein coding gene
description  FUNCTION: Automated description from the Alliance of Genome Resources (Release 7.1.0)

Enables monoatomic cation channel activity. Acts upstream of or within metal ion transport. Located in apical plasma membrane and brush border membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including cochlea; colon; extraembryonic component; ganglia; and genitourinary system. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in intestinal hypomagnesemia 1 and metal metabolism disorder. Orthologous to human TRPM6 (transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 6).
PHENOTYPE: Mice homozygous for a knock-out allele exhibit embryonic and postnatal lethality with exencephaly, spina bifida occulta, and abnormal brain and facial development. Mice heterozygous for a knock-out allele exhibit some premature death and decreased serummagnesium. [provided by MGI curators]
  • synonyms:
  • transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 6,
  • CHAK2,
  • Trpm6

Features --> Cross References


Sequence Feature Displayer

JG Browse Displayer

0 Canonical

0 CDSs

0 Exons

0 Genomic Clusters

0 Involved In Mutations

0 Strain

0 Transcripts

0 Transgenic Expressors

0 UTRs

Canonical gene --> CDSs in specific strains.

Canonical gene --> Exons in specific strains

Canonical gene --> Strain-specific IDs, biotypes, and locations

Canonical gene --> Transcripts in specific strains.

Features --> Overlapping features


Gene --> Proteins


Mouse features --> Functions (GO terms)


Genes --> Homologs


4 Pathways

0 Targeted By

Gene --> Protein-Protein Interactions


Gene --> Expression annotations


Genes/Features --> Phenotypes (MP terms)


Mouse features --> Human diseases


Mouse features --> Publications



0 Driver For