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Publication : cDNA sequence and genomic structure of the murine p55 (Mpp1) gene.

First Author  Elder B Year  1996
Journal  Genomics Volume  38
Issue  2 Pages  231-4
PubMed ID  8954807 Mgi Jnum  J:37257
Mgi Id  MGI:84659 Doi  10.1006/geno.1996.0621
Citation  Elder B, et al. (1996) cDNA sequence and genomic structure of the murine p55 (Mpp1) gene. Genomics 38(2):231-4
abstractText  MPP1 is an X-linked human gene encoding a heavily palmitoylated membrane protein (p55) with homology to the Drosophila tumor suppressor gene lethal(1) discs-large. As a first step toward studying the effects of mutations in this gene in a mammalian system, the nucleotide sequence of the mouse Mpp1 cDNA has been determined along with the intron-exon boundaries. Mpp1 is ubiquitously expressed and encodes a p55 protein of 466 amino acids with 93 and 65% identity to the human and puffer fish (Fugu rubripes) p55 sequences, respectively. The genomic structure of the Mpp1 gene is likewise conserved with 12 exons. The location of the Mpp1 gene, on the X chromosome, is also conserved between the human and the mouse. Conservation of the Mpp1 gene between mouse and human gives support to the notion that construction and study of a mouse knockout model may help establish the function of the human MPP1 gene, a potential tumor suppressor gene.
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