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Comment :

Type  MGI:General Description  at P2, the proportion of superficial, late-born Satb2+ neurons (upper layers II–V) is reduced by 45% with fewer Satb2+ cells present in layer V and some Satb2+ cells located below layer VI; the proportion of deep, early-born Tbr1+ neurons (layer VI) is also significantly decreased Ctip2 immunostaining showed both lamination and cell fate defects: the proportion of Ctip2high neurons in layer V is reduced >90%, while the proportion of Ctip2low cells shows a 60% reduction in layer VI along with a 2.7-fold increase in layers II–III immunostaining of Foxp1 (normally expressed in layers IV and V of the cortex) showed an overall decrease in the proportion of Foxp1+ cells, with most located within layer IV