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Publication : cGAS activation causes lupus-like autoimmune disorders in a TREX1 mutant mouse model.

First Author  Xiao N Year  2019
Journal  J Autoimmun Volume  100
Pages  84-94 PubMed ID  30872080
Mgi Jnum  J:295560 Mgi Id  MGI:6453965
Doi  10.1016/j.jaut.2019.03.001 Citation  Xiao N, et al. (2019) cGAS activation causes lupus-like autoimmune disorders in a TREX1 mutant mouse model. J Autoimmun 100:84-94
abstractText  TREX1 encodes a major cellular DNA exonuclease. Mutations of this gene in human cause cellular accumulation of DNA that triggers autoimmune diseases including Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome (AGS) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We created a lupus mouse model by engineering a D18N mutation in the Trex1 gene which inactivates the enzyme and has been found in human patients with lupus-like disorders. The Trex1(D18N/D18N) mice exhibited systemic inflammation that consistently recapitulates many characteristics of human AGS and SLE. Importantly, ablation of cGas gene in the Trex1(D18N/D18N) mice rescued the lethality and all detectable pathological phenotypes, including multi-organ inflammation, interferon stimulated gene induction, autoantibody production and aberrant T-cell activation. These results indicate that cGAS is a key mediator in the autoimmune disease associated with defective TREX1 function, providing additional insights into disease pathogenesis and guidance to the development of therapeutics for human systemic autoimmune disorders.
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