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Publication : Functional Pdgfra fibroblast heterogeneity in normal and fibrotic mouse lung.

First Author  Trempus CS Year  2023
Journal  JCI Insight Volume  8
Issue  22 PubMed ID  37824216
Mgi Jnum  J:352807 Mgi Id  MGI:7566681
Doi  10.1172/jci.insight.164380 Citation  Trempus CS, et al. (2023) Functional Pdgfra fibroblast heterogeneity in normal and fibrotic mouse lung. JCI Insight 8(22)
abstractText  Aberrant fibroblast function plays a key role in the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a devastating disease of unrelenting extracellular matrix deposition in response to lung injury. Platelet-derived growth factor alpha-positive (Pdgfra+) lipofibroblasts (LipoFBs) are essential for lung injury response and maintenance of a functional alveolar stem cell niche. Little is known about the effects of lung injury on LipoFB function. Here, we used single-cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) technology and PdgfraGFP lineage tracing to generate a transcriptomic profile of Pdgfra+ fibroblasts in normal and injured mouse lungs 14 days after bleomycin exposure, generating 11 unique transcriptomic clusters that segregated according to treatment. While normal and injured LipoFBs shared a common gene signature, injured LipoFBs acquired fibrogenic pathway activity with an attenuation of lipogenic pathways. In a 3D organoid model, injured Pdgfra+ fibroblast-supported organoids were morphologically distinct from those cultured with normal fibroblasts, and scRNA-Seq analysis suggested distinct transcriptomic changes in alveolar epithelia supported by injured Pdgfra+ fibroblasts. In summary, while LipoFBs in injured lung have not migrated from their niche and retain their lipogenic identity, they acquire a potentially reversible fibrogenic profile, which may alter the kinetics of epithelial regeneration and potentially contribute to dysregulated repair, leading to fibrosis.
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