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Publication : Locomotor activity rhythm in inbred strains of mice: implications for behavioural studies.

First Author  Kopp C Year  2001
Journal  Behav Brain Res Volume  125
Issue  1-2 Pages  93-6
PubMed ID  11682099 Mgi Jnum  J:72743
Mgi Id  MGI:2153511 Doi  10.1016/s0166-4328(01)00289-3
Citation  Kopp C (2001) Locomotor activity rhythm in inbred strains of mice: implications for behavioural studies. Behav Brain Res 125(1-2):93-6
abstractText  Due to the well-known influence of arousal on behavioural responsiveness, this paper focused on the differences in the daily locomotor activity rhythm between inbred strains. The lighting conditions of the environment can provide a regular, defined LD cycle or be constant, e.g. constant dim light or constant darkness. Under a light:dark cycle (daily rhythm) and under free-running conditions, i.e. constant darkness (circadian rhythm), such differences between mouse strains emphasise the relevance of a defined time of day for performing tests in order to obtain reliable behavioural results, and consequently the importance of a well-controlled LD cycle, which constitutes a necessary condition for the stability of daily rhythms. Both the LD cycle in the animal room (during breeding, as well as during the experiments) and the experiment schedule within the LD cycle appear as important factors for a better understanding of behavioural results. This information may be relevant to explain part of the apparently contradictory behavioural results reported in the literature.
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