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Publication : Gene regulatory factors in pancreatic development.

First Author  Jensen J Year  2004
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  229
Issue  1 Pages  176-200
PubMed ID  14699589 Mgi Jnum  J:87320
Mgi Id  MGI:2684504 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.10460
Citation  Jensen J (2004) Gene regulatory factors in pancreatic development. Dev Dyn 229(1):176-200
abstractText  The intensity of research on pancreatic development has increased markedly in the past 5 years, primarily for two reasons: we now know that the insulin-producing beta-cells normally arise from an endodermally derived, pancreas-specified precursor cell, and successful transplants of islet cells have been performed, relieving patients with type I diabetes of symptoms for extended periods after transplantation. Combining in vitro beta-cell formation from a pancreatic biopsy of a diabetic patient or from other stem-cell sources followed by endocrine cell transplantation may be the most beneficial route for a future diabetes therapy. However, to achieve this, a thorough understanding of the genetic components regulating the development of beta-cells is required. The following review discusses our current understanding of the transcription factor networks necessary for pancreatic development and how several genetic interactions coming into play at the earliest stages of endodermal development gradually help to build the pancreatic organ. Developmental Dynamics 229:176-200, 2004.
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