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Publication : Generation of a Tlx1(CreER-Venus) knock-in mouse strain for the study of spleen development.

First Author  Nakahara R Year  2014
Journal  Genesis Volume  52
Issue  11 Pages  916-23
PubMed ID  25283275 Mgi Jnum  J:217489
Mgi Id  MGI:5614166 Doi  10.1002/dvg.22829
Citation  Nakahara R, et al. (2014) Generation of a Tlx1(CreER-Venus) knock-in mouse strain for the study of spleen development. Genesis 52(11):916-23
abstractText  The spleen is a lymphoid organ that serves as a unique niche for immune reactions, extramedullary hematopoiesis, and the removal of aged erythrocytes from the circulation. While much is known about the immunological functions of the spleen, the mechanisms governing the development and organization of its stromal microenvironment remain poorly understood. Here we report the generation and analysis of a Tlx1(Cre) (ER) (-Venus) knock-in mouse strain engineered to simultaneously express tamoxifen-inducible CreER(T2) and Venus fluorescent protein under the control of regulatory elements of the Tlx1 gene, which encodes a transcription factor essential for spleen development. We demonstrated that Venus as well as CreER expression recapitulates endogenous Tlx1 transcription within the spleen microenvironment. When Tlx1(Cre) (ER) (-Venus) mice were crossed with the Cre-inducible reporter strain, Tlx1-expressing cells as well as their descendants were specifically labeled following tamoxifen administration. We also showed by cell lineage tracing that asplenia caused by Tlx1 deficiency is attributable to altered contribution of mesenchymal cells in the spleen anlage to the pancreatic mesenchyme. Thus, Tlx1(Cre) (ER) (-Venus) mice represent a new tool for lineage tracing and conditional gene manipulation of spleen mesenchymal cells, essential approaches for understanding the molecular mechanisms of spleen development.
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