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Publication : Generation and characterization of islet cell tumor in pTet-on/pTRE-SV40Tag double-transgenic mice model.

First Author  Shen Q Year  2007
Journal  J Biosci Bioeng Volume  104
Issue  1 Pages  14-21
PubMed ID  17697978 Mgi Jnum  J:128729
Mgi Id  MGI:3767915 Doi  10.1263/jbb.104.14
Citation  Shen Q, et al. (2007) Generation and characterization of islet cell tumor in pTet-on/pTRE-SV40Tag double-transgenic mice model. J Biosci Bioeng 104(1):14-21
abstractText  A line of double-transgenic mice that develop neoplasms arising primarily in the pancreas was established. In these mice, the oncogene SV40 T antigen (Tag) was detected in the pancreas with and without the control of Tet-on system. The transgenic mice that developed pancreatic tumors as early as 20 weeks of age showed hypoglycemia on a blood glucose test. Pathological and immunohistochemical characterizations demonstrated that the tumors belonged to neuroendocrine neoplasms arising from pancreatic islets. A change in IGFs/IGF-1R signaling pathway was detected using real-time PCR analysis. A potential association between the IGFs/IGF-1R system and SV40Tag was studied to further explain the cancerogenesis of the double-transgenic mice by Western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation experiments. The results suggest that a Tag transgenic mice model could be used to study the molecular mechanism of the tumorigenesis of islets.
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