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Type  MGI:General Description  in the CNS, the paranodal and nodal morphology is frequently perturbed, resulting in aberrant organization and abnormal axon-glial interactions in the paranodal region a striking loss of the regular array of transverse bands between paranodal loops and the axon is observed; occasionally, irregular densities are noted between the glial loops and the axon "everted loops" (i.e. paranodal loops facing away from, rather than towards, the axonal membrane) are frequently observed in mutant, but not wild-type, spinal cords in other CNS sites, the loops are severely disorganized in the paranodal region a global deficiency of paranodal components (contactin and neurofascin) is observed, contributing to the defects in glial loop adhesion moreover, the strict delineation between Na+ channels at the node and K+ channels at the juxtaparanode is abolished in mutant sciatic and optic nerves, with K+ channels displaced into the paranodal domains and slighly overlapping with Na+ channels