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Publication : Plasma cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1. cDNA cloning of the human molecule, amino acid sequence, and chromosomal location.

First Author  Buckley MF Year  1990
Journal  J Biol Chem Volume  265
Issue  29 Pages  17506-11
PubMed ID  2211644 Mgi Jnum  J:10767
Mgi Id  MGI:59213 Doi  10.1016/s0021-9258(18)38193-6
Citation  Buckley MF, et al. (1990) Plasma cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1. cDNA cloning of the human molecule, amino acid sequence, and chromosomal location. J Biol Chem 265(29):17506-11
abstractText  The murine cell membrane glycoprotein PC-1 is a homodimer with restricted tissue distribution, being first characterized in plasma cells. We now describe the isolation of cDNA clones encoding the human homolog of the murine PC-1 protein, its complete amino acid sequence, and its chromosomal location. Overall, the amino acid sequence of the human protein is about 80% identical to the murine protein, although the extent of homology varies in different domains. It had not been possible to assign a definitive amino terminus to the murine protein. Comparison of the murine and human sequence necessitates reassignment of the amino terminus, resulting in a cytoplasmic tail of 24 amino acids rather than 58 amino acids as previously published for the mouse. The sequence of several independently obtained cDNA clones indicates that the 3' end of the mRNA is subject to alternative splicing. Southern blots suggest a single copy gene. In situ chromosomal hybridization localizes the gene for human PC-1 to chromosome 6q22-q23, a common site for deletions in human lymphoid neoplasia.
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