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Publication : The identification of different endothelial cell populations within the mouse proepicardium.

First Author  Cossette S Year  2011
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  240
Issue  10 Pages  2344-53
PubMed ID  21932312 Mgi Jnum  J:177134
Mgi Id  MGI:5294275 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.22724
Citation  Cossette S, et al. (2011) The identification of different endothelial cell populations within the mouse proepicardium. Dev Dyn 240(10):2344-53
abstractText  The proepicardium is a transient embryonic structure that is a source of precursors of the epicardium, coronary smooth muscle cells, and may be a source of coronary endothelial cells (EC). To better understand proepicardium development a systematic analysis of EC appearance was performed. Multiple marker analysis showed that EC are present in the mouse proepicardium at embryonic day (E) 9.0 through E9.75. Distinct populations of EC were found that were associated with the liver bud, and the sinus venosus, as well as a population that do not appear to be associated with either of these structures. There was a temporal increase in the number of EC and temporal changes in the distribution of EC within the different populations during PE development. These findings indicate that EC exist in the proepicardium before coronary vasculogenesis, and support a model in which there is a heterogeneous origin for EC in the proepicardium.
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