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Type  developmental stage Description  During embryonic development, prominently expressed in muscle tissues, including myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscles, and weakly in the developing central nervous system (only in the neuropil). At 9 dpc, expressed in the wall and trabeculae of the developing heart tube, in the caudal end of the midline dorsal aorta, and a focal area of the mesenchyme around the developing brain. Weakly expressed in marginal and ependymal layers of the early neural tube. At 11-12.5 dpc, expression persists in the myocardium. Scattered signal in the mesoderm on either side of the developing neural tube. Also found in the region of dermatomyotomes. Appears to be associated with the early pre-muscle mesoderm and later with myoblasts and myocytes of the paravertebral, back, body wall and limb muscles. At 13-15 dpc, besides the myocardium, expression is seen in the skeletal muscles of the limbs, intercostal muscles, and the diaphragm, as well as in the developing muscle layer in the wall of the few intestinal coils present in the abdominal cavity. Also found in various components of the mesenchymal precartilage forming the framework of the cranium and the face, notably, the base of the skull, frontonasal process and parts of the primitive maxillary and mandibular processes. Around 13 dpc, detected in the brain lateral ventricles and the roof of the fourth ventricle. At 15 dpc, scattered groups of positive cells are observed in the liver, around the venous sinuses. Weakly expressed in the brain and spinal cord white matter. Prominent membrane expression in the choroid plexus and meninges. At 15-18 dpc, transiently expressed in the layers of ectodermal cells covering the embryo and in immature cells of the lung buds. From 16 dpc to postnatal day 2, no change in the basic pattern of expression (at protein level).