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Publication : A STAT3-dependent transcriptional circuitry inhibits cytotoxic gene expression in T cells.

First Author  Ciucci T Year  2017
Journal  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume  114
Issue  50 Pages  13236-13241
PubMed ID  29180433 Mgi Jnum  J:254441
Mgi Id  MGI:6103509 Doi  10.1073/pnas.1711160114
Citation  Ciucci T, et al. (2017) A STAT3-dependent transcriptional circuitry inhibits cytotoxic gene expression in T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114(50):13236-13241
abstractText  CD8(+) T cells are preprogrammed for cytotoxic differentiation in the thymus as they acquire expression of the transcription factor Runx3. However, a subset of effector CD8(+) T cells (Tc17) produce IL-17 and fail to express cytotoxic genes. Here, we show that the transcription factors directing IL-17 production, STAT3 and RORgammat, inhibit cytotoxicity despite persistent Runx3 expression. Cytotoxic gene repression did not require the transcription factor Thpok, which in CD4(+) T cells restrains Runx3 functions and cytotoxicity; and STAT3 restrained cytotoxic gene expression in CD8(+) T cells responding to viral infection in vivo. STAT3-induced RORgammat represses cytotoxic genes by inhibiting the functions but not the expression of the "cytotoxic" transcription factors T-bet and Eomesodermin. Thus, the transcriptional circuitry directing IL-17 expression inhibits cytotoxic functions. However, by allowing expression of activators of the cytotoxic program, this inhibitory mechanism contributes to the instability of IL-17-producing T cells.
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