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Type  MGI:General Description  in response to high doses of LPS (60-120 mg/kg), homozygotes show no differences in initial platelet mobilization but display milder signs of shivering and lethargy than wild-type during the first few hours after LPS injection, with platelet counts returning to normal at day 5 and 93% of homozygotes still alive on day 6, whereas all wild-type die between 2 and 4 days after treatment in response to a low dose of LPS (1 µg) plus 8 mg of D-gal, 9 of 12 homozygotes survive whereas the majority of wild-type (11 of 12) die; following treatment with 4 µg of LPS plus D-gal, all homozygotes tested die with a 6-hr delay relative to wild-type mice