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Publication : The impact of T cell intrinsic antigen adaptation on peripheral immune tolerance.

First Author  Singh NJ Year  2006
Journal  PLoS Biol Volume  4
Issue  11 Pages  e340
PubMed ID  17048986 Mgi Jnum  J:116094
Mgi Id  MGI:3692842 Doi  10.1371/journal.pbio.0040340
Citation  Singh NJ, et al. (2006) The impact of T cell intrinsic antigen adaptation on peripheral immune tolerance. PLoS Biol 4(11):e340
abstractText  Overlapping roles have been ascribed for T cell anergy, clonal deletion, and regulation in the maintenance of peripheral immunological tolerance. A measurement of the individual and additive impacts of each of these processes on systemic tolerance is often lacking. In this report we have used adoptive transfer strategies to tease out the unique contribution of T cell intrinsic receptor calibration (adaptation) in the maintenance of tolerance to a systemic self-antigen. Adoptively transferred naive T cells stably calibrated their responsiveness to a persistent self-antigen in both lymphopenic and T cell-replete hosts. In the former, this state was not accompanied by deletion or suppression, allowing us to examine the unique contribution of adaptation to systemic tolerance. Surprisingly, adapting T cells could chronically help antigen-expressing B cells, leading to polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia and pathology, in the form of mild arthritis. The helper activity mediated by CD40L and cytokines was evident even if the B cells were introduced after extended adaptation of the T cells. In contrast, in the T cell-replete host, neither arthritis nor autoantibodies were induced. The containment of systemic pathology required host T cell-mediated extrinsic regulatory mechanisms to synergize with the cell intrinsic adaptation process. These extrinsic mechanisms prevented the effector differentiation of the autoreactive T cells and reduced their precursor frequency, in vivo.
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