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Publication : Long-term potentiation decay and memory loss are mediated by AMPAR endocytosis.

First Author  Dong Z Year  2015
Journal  J Clin Invest Volume  125
Issue  1 Pages  234-47
PubMed ID  25437879 Mgi Jnum  J:220038
Mgi Id  MGI:5632057 Doi  10.1172/JCI77888
Citation  Dong Z, et al. (2015) Long-term potentiation decay and memory loss are mediated by AMPAR endocytosis. J Clin Invest 125(1):234-47
abstractText  Long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength between hippocampal neurons is associated with learning and memory, and LTP dysfunction is thought to underlie memory loss. LTP can be temporally and mechanistically classified into decaying (early-phase) LTP and nondecaying (late-phase) LTP. While the nondecaying nature of LTP is thought to depend on protein synthesis and contribute to memory maintenance, little is known about the mechanisms and roles of decaying LTP. Here, we demonstrated that inhibiting endocytosis of postsynaptic alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid receptors (AMPARs) prevents LTP decay, thereby converting it into nondecaying LTP. Conversely, restoration of AMPAR endocytosis by inhibiting protein kinase Mzeta (PKMzeta) converted nondecaying LTP into decaying LTP. Similarly, inhibition of AMPAR endocytosis prolonged memory retention in normal animals and reduced memory loss in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease. These results strongly suggest that an active process that involves AMPAR endocytosis mediates the decay of LTP and that inhibition of this process can prolong the longevity of LTP as well as memory under both physiological and pathological conditions.
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