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Publication : Light chain inclusion permits terminal B cell differentiation and does not necessarily result in autoreactivity.

First Author  Sirac C Year  2006
Journal  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A Volume  103
Issue  20 Pages  7747-52
PubMed ID  16682638 Mgi Jnum  J:110100
Mgi Id  MGI:3639367 Doi  10.1073/pnas.0509121103
Citation  Sirac C, et al. (2006) Light chain inclusion permits terminal B cell differentiation and does not necessarily result in autoreactivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103(20):7747-52
abstractText  Mice in which the Jkappa cluster was replaced with a VkappaJkappa rearranged gene were studied. More than 90% of B cells from homozygous mutant mice expressed the transgenic kappa chain but showed a slightly reduced level of kappa transcripts compared with WT B lymphocytes. Light chain inclusion was apparent in 10% of B cells from these mice and raised 25% in hemizygous mice with a still lower expression of the knockin kappa chain. Beyond the rules of clonal selection, peripheral B cells developed in such animals, with included cells being activated and differentiating into class-switched or antibody-secreting cells. The high amount of included mature B cells was associated with an increase of hybrid kappa/lambda immunoglobulins but not with the increased prevalence of autoantibodies. Altogether, these data suggest that light chain exclusion prevalent in normal B cells mostly results from ordered rearrangements and stochastic mechanisms but is neither tightly ensured by a stringent cell selection process nor absolutely required for normal B cell function.
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