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Publication : Role of the amino-terminal domain of simian virus 40 early region in inducing tumors in secretin-expressing cells in transgenic mice.

First Author  Ratineau C Year  2000
Journal  Gastroenterology Volume  119
Issue  5 Pages  1305-11
PubMed ID  11054388 Mgi Jnum  J:65372
Mgi Id  MGI:1926430 Doi  10.1053/gast.2000.19278
Citation  Ratineau C, et al. (2000) Role of the amino-terminal domain of simian virus 40 early region in inducing tumors in secretin-expressing cells in transgenic mice. Gastroenterology 119(5):1305-11
abstractText  Background & Aims: The early region of simian virus 40 (SV40) encodes 2 transforming proteins, large T (Tag) and small t antigen, that produce neuroendocrine tumors in the intestine and the pancreas when expressed in secretin cells of transgenic mice. Methods: Two SV40 early-region transgenes containing a deletion that eliminated expression of the small t antigen were expressed in transgenic mice under control of the secretin gene. The 2 lines of mice, one expressing the native large T antigen and the other T antigen with a mutation in its N-terminal J domain, were examined to determine which biological activities of the SV40 early region were required for tumorigenesis. Results: Most animals expressing wild-type large T antigen developed pancreatic insulinomas and lymphomas and died between 3 and 6 months of age. However, small intestinal neoplasms were extremely rare in the absence of small t antigen expression. Transgenic lines expressing the J domain mutant failed to develop tumors. Conclusions: Transformation of secretin-producing enteroendocrine cells by SV40 requires functional cooperation between intact large T and small t oncoproteins. In contrast, large T antigen alone is sufficient to induce tumors in the endocrine pancreas and thymus.
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