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Search results 1 to 100 out of 208 for Sdk2

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Type Details Score
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: macaque, rhesus
Type: gene
Organism: frog, western clawed
Type: gene
Organism: rat
Type: gene
Organism: dog, domestic
Type: gene
Organism: chimpanzee
Type: gene
Organism: cattle
Type: gene
Organism: chicken
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
First Author: Goodman KM
Year: 2016
Journal: Elife
Title: Molecular basis of sidekick-mediated cell-cell adhesion and specificity.
Volume: 5
First Author: Yamagata M
Year: 2018
Journal: Front Mol Neurosci
Title: Expression and Roles of the Immunoglobulin Superfamily Recognition Molecule Sidekick1 in Mouse Retina.
Volume: 11
Pages: 485
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus caroli
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus pahari
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus spretus
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689425
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Brain
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1672825
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Lung
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1610525
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Heart
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1684625
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Liver
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737325
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Kidney
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3287425
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Intestines
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1702125
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836394
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: Stomach
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737320
Stage: TS20
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 12.0
Specimen Label: E12
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737322
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 14.0
Specimen Label: E14
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737323
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 15.0
Specimen Label: E15
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737324
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 16.0
Specimen Label: E16
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737325
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: E17
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737326
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: embryonic day 18.0
Specimen Label: E18
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737327
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: postnatal day 1
Specimen Label: D1
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: postnatal day 10
Specimen Label: D10
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836389
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836399
Age: postnatal month 4
Specimen Label: Adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836277
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836417
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: WT 1
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836277
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836417
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: WT 0.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3836277
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836417
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: WT 0.25
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_05
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_05
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_06
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_06
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_07
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_07
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_08
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_08
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Moderate
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_09
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_09
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Moderate
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_10
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Moderate
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_11
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Moderate
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_12
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_12
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_13
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_13
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 11
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756423
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_15
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_15
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 13
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4353619
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2009-08-20
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1619824
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:4354161
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression was detected in the periphery.
Specimen Label: E16.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4353619
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2009-08-20
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1619827
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:4354161
Age: postnatal day 0
Note: Expression was detected in the periphery.
Specimen Label: P0
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1914323
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_09
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_09
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1914323
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_18
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_18
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 16
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2769720
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS20
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 12.5
Specimen Label: 5A
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2769720
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS20
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 12.5
Note: Expression was localized to cell membranes.
Specimen Label: 5B
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2769723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Note: Expression was detected in the medullary ureteric bud.
Specimen Label: 5D
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2769723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Note: Expression was detected in the medullary ureteric bud.
Specimen Label: 5E
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:5811073
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2017-02-09
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1640617
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS17
Assay Id: MGI:5823712
Age: embryonic day 10.5
Image: Sdk2_b11_E10.5a_RF_JL
Note: Staining is observed in the distal limb bud.
Specimen Label: Sdk2_b11_E10.5a_RF_JL
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:5811073
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2017-02-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1640619
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:5823712
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: Sdk2_b11_E11.5a_RF_JL
Note: Domains of staining are similar to those seen at E10.5.
Specimen Label: Sdk2_b11_E11.5a_RF_JL
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:5811073
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2017-02-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1640619
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:5823712
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: Sdk2_b11_E11.5b_RF_JL
Note: Domains of staining are similar to those seen at E10.5.
Specimen Label: Sdk2_b11_E11.5b_RF_JL
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:7657537
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2024-06-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3585927
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:7657735
Age: postnatal day 0
Image: 1,S1 rostral
Note: Selective expression was detected across the thalamic nuclei in a more rostral section.
Specimen Label: 1,S1 rostral
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:7657537
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2024-06-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3585927
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:7657735
Age: postnatal day 0
Image: 1,S1 caudal
Note: Selective expression was detected across the thalamic nuclei in a more caudal section.
Specimen Label: 1,S1 caudal
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4353619
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2009-08-20
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1915527
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:4354161
Age: postnatal day 0
Note: Expression was detected in a subset of cells in the inner neuroblastic layer.
Specimen Label: P0
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_11
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_12
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_12
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_18
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_18
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 16
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_19
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_19
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 17
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2794923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Note: Expression was not detected in developing glomeruli.
Specimen Label: 5D
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2794923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Note: Expression was not detected in developing glomeruli.
Specimen Label: 5E
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2794923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836415
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Note: Expression was not detected in the developing glomeruli.
Specimen Label: not shown
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2806123
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Specimen Label: 5D
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2806123
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:3836407
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Specimen Label: 5E
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1857523
Pattern: Single cells
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_08
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_08
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1857523
Pattern: Single cells
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_09
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_09
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1857523
Pattern: Single cells
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_10
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1857523
Pattern: Single cells
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_11
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1753723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_08
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_08
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1753723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_09
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_09
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1753723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_10
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1753723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_11
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1753723
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_12
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_12
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2824828
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836415
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 7A
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3836275
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2009-03-19
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2824828
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3836415
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 7C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:5811073
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2017-02-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603919
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:5823712
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: Sdk2_b11_E11.5a_JL
Note: Staining is similar to that observed at E10.5. At that time it was seen in the somites and branchial arch.
Specimen Label: Sdk2_b11_E11.5a_JL
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:5811073
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2017-02-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603919
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:5823712
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: Sdk2_b11_E11.5b_JL
Note: Staining is similar to that observed at E10.5. At that time it was seen in the somites and branchial arch.
Specimen Label: Sdk2_b11_E11.5b_JL
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1856023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_03
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_03
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Moderate
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1856023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_04
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_04
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1856023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_05
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_05
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1856023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_06
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_06
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:4423968
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2010-09-14
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1856023
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:4827925
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: euxassay_009454_07
Specimen Label: euxassay_009454_07
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5