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Search results 601 to 655 out of 655 for Aldh1l1

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First Author: Dougherty JD
Year: 2012
Journal: PLoS One
Title: Mouse transgenesis in a single locus with independent regulation for multiple fluorophores.
Volume: 7
Issue: 7
Pages: e40511
First Author: Ung K
Year: 2020
Journal: J Neurosci Res
Title: Parallel astrocyte calcium signaling modulates olfactory bulb responses.
Volume: 98
Issue: 8
Pages: 1605-1618
First Author: Yu TS
Year: 2021
Journal: Commun Biol
Title: Astrocytic ApoE underlies maturation of hippocampal neurons and cognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury in mice.
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: 1303
First Author: Jong Huat T
Year: 2024
Journal: Sci Rep
Title: The impact of astrocytic NF-κB on healthy and Alzheimer's disease brains.
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 14305
First Author: Tien AC
Year: 2012
Journal: Development
Title: Regulated temporal-spatial astrocyte precursor cell proliferation involves BRAF signalling in mammalian spinal cord.
Volume: 139
Issue: 14
Pages: 2477-87
First Author: Sheehan PW
Year: 2023
Journal: Neuron
Title: An astrocyte BMAL1-BAG3 axis protects against alpha-synuclein and tau pathology.
Volume: 111
Issue: 15
Pages: 2383-2398.e7
First Author: Yao AY
Year: 2023
Journal: J Neurosci
Title: Bace1 Deletion in the Adult Reverses Epileptiform Activity and Sleep-wake Disturbances in AD Mice.
Volume: 43
Issue: 35
Pages: 6197-6211
First Author: Huang AY
Year: 2020
Journal: Neuron
Title: Region-Specific Transcriptional Control of Astrocyte Function Oversees Local Circuit Activities.
Volume: 106
Issue: 6
Pages: 992-1008.e9
First Author: Hagemann TL
Year: 2023
Journal: Cells
Title: STAT3 Drives GFAP Accumulation and Astrocyte Pathology in a Mouse Model of Alexander Disease.
Volume: 12
Issue: 7
First Author: Drieu A
Year: 2022
Journal: Nature
Title: Parenchymal border macrophages regulate the flow dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Volume: 611
Issue: 7936
Pages: 585-593
First Author: Molofsky AV
Year: 2014
Journal: Nature
Title: Astrocyte-encoded positional cues maintain sensorimotor circuit integrity.
Volume: 509
Issue: 7499
Pages: 189-94
First Author: Tao R
Year: 2019
Journal: Cancer Res
Title: MYC Drives Group 3 Medulloblastoma through Transformation of Sox2+ Astrocyte Progenitor Cells.
Volume: 79
Issue: 8
Pages: 1967-1980
First Author: Parker PD
Year: 2021
Journal: Neuron
Title: Non-canonical glutamate signaling in a genetic model of migraine with aura.
Volume: 109
Issue: 4
Pages: 611-628.e8
First Author: McAlpine CS
Year: 2021
Journal: Nature
Title: Astrocytic interleukin-3 programs microglia and limits Alzheimer's disease.
Volume: 595
Issue: 7869
Pages: 701-706
First Author: Kakae M
Year: 2023
Journal: Sci Adv
Title: The astrocytic TRPA1 channel mediates an intrinsic protective response to vascular cognitive impairment via LIF production.
Volume: 9
Issue: 29
Pages: eadh0102
First Author: Wang Y
Year: 2022
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: SOX2 is essential for astrocyte maturation and its deletion leads to hyperactive behavior in mice.
Volume: 41
Issue: 12
Pages: 111842
First Author: Diaz-Castro B
Year: 2021
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: Molecular and functional properties of cortical astrocytes during peripherally induced neuroinflammation.
Volume: 36
Issue: 6
Pages: 109508
First Author: Lananna BV
Year: 2018
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: Cell-Autonomous Regulation of Astrocyte Activation by the Circadian Clock Protein BMAL1.
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-9.e5
First Author: Ye L
Year: 2020
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: Ethanol abolishes vigilance-dependent astroglia network activation in mice by inhibiting norepinephrine release.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 6157
First Author: Göppner C
Year: 2021
Journal: J Biol Chem
Title: Cellular basis of ClC-2 Cl(-) channel-related brain and testis pathologies.
Volume: 296
Pages: 100074
First Author: Pittolo S
Year: 2022
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: Dopamine activates astrocytes in prefrontal cortex via α1-adrenergic receptors.
Volume: 40
Issue: 13
Pages: 111426
First Author: Yu X
Year: 2018
Journal: Neuron
Title: Reducing Astrocyte Calcium Signaling In Vivo Alters Striatal Microcircuits and Causes Repetitive Behavior.
Volume: 99
Issue: 6
Pages: 1170-1187.e9
First Author: Baldwin KT
Year: 2021
Journal: Neuron
Title: HepaCAM controls astrocyte self-organization and coupling.
Volume: 109
Issue: 15
Pages: 2427-2442.e10
First Author: Cheng YT
Year: 2023
Journal: Nature
Title: Inhibitory input directs astrocyte morphogenesis through glial GABA(B)R.
Volume: 617
Issue: 7960
Pages: 369-376
First Author: Su Y
Year: 2023
Journal: Neuron
Title: Astrocyte endfoot formation controls the termination of oligodendrocyte precursor cell perivascular migration during development.
Volume: 111
Issue: 2
Pages: 190-201.e8
First Author: Mills WA 3rd
Year: 2022
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: Astrocyte plasticity in mice ensures continued endfoot coverage of cerebral blood vessels following injury and declines with age.
Volume: 13
Issue: 1
Pages: 1794
First Author: Kelley KW
Year: 2018
Journal: Neuron
Title: Kir4.1-Dependent Astrocyte-Fast Motor Neuron Interactions Are Required for Peak Strength.
Volume: 98
Issue: 2
Pages: 306-319.e7
First Author: Octeau JC
Year: 2018
Journal: Neuron
Title: An Optical Neuron-Astrocyte Proximity Assay at Synaptic Distance Scales.
Volume: 98
Issue: 1
Pages: 49-66.e9
First Author: Pfau SJ
Year: 2024
Journal: Nat Neurosci
Title: Characteristics of blood-brain barrier heterogeneity between brain regions revealed by profiling vascular and perivascular cells.
Volume: 27
Issue: 10
Pages: 1892-1903
First Author: Sanmarco LM
Year: 2021
Journal: Nature
Title: Gut-licensed IFNγ+ NK cells drive LAMP1+TRAIL+ anti-inflammatory astrocytes.
Volume: 590
Issue: 7846
Pages: 473-479
First Author: Bedolla A
Year: 2024
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: Adult microglial TGFβ1 is required for microglia homeostasis via an autocrine mechanism to maintain cognitive function in mice.
Volume: 15
Issue: 1
Pages: 5306
First Author: Hontani Y
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Adv
Title: Multicolor three-photon fluorescence imaging with single-wavelength excitation deep in mouse brain.
Volume: 7
Issue: 12
First Author: Gray SR
Year: 2021
Journal: Sci Adv
Title: Noradrenergic terminal short-term potentiation enables modality-selective integration of sensory input and vigilance state.
Volume: 7
Issue: 51
Pages: eabk1378
First Author: Winters ND
Year: 2023
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: Opposing retrograde and astrocyte-dependent endocannabinoid signaling mechanisms regulate lateral habenula synaptic transmission.
Volume: 42
Issue: 3
Pages: 112159
First Author: Szewczyk LM
Year: 2023
Journal: Mol Psychiatry
Title: Astrocytic β-catenin signaling via TCF7L2 regulates synapse development and social behavior.
First Author: Griffin P
Year: 2020
Journal: Elife
Title: REV-ERBα mediates complement expression and diurnal regulation of microglial synaptic phagocytosis.
Volume: 9
First Author: Haidey JN
Year: 2021
Journal: Cell Rep
Title: Astrocytes regulate ultra-slow arteriole oscillations via stretch-mediated TRPV4-COX-1 feedback.
Volume: 36
Issue: 5
Pages: 109405
First Author: Tsai HH
Year: 2012
Journal: Science
Title: Regional astrocyte allocation regulates CNS synaptogenesis and repair.
Volume: 337
Issue: 6092
Pages: 358-62
First Author: Wheeler MA
Year: 2023
Journal: Science
Title: Droplet-based forward genetic screening of astrocyte-microglia cross-talk.
Volume: 379
Issue: 6636
Pages: 1023-1030
First Author: Kellner V
Year: 2021
Journal: Neuron
Title: Dual metabotropic glutamate receptor signaling enables coordination of astrocyte and neuron activity in developing sensory domains.
Volume: 109
Issue: 16
Pages: 2545-2555.e7
First Author: Tacke C
Year: 2023
Journal: Front Cell Neurosci
Title: Angiotensin II increases respiratory rhythmic activity in the preBötzinger complex without inducing astroglial calcium signaling.
Volume: 17
Pages: 1111263
First Author: Srinivasan R
Year: 2016
Journal: Neuron
Title: New Transgenic Mouse Lines for Selectively Targeting Astrocytes and Studying Calcium Signals in Astrocyte Processes In Situ and In Vivo.
Volume: 92
Issue: 6
Pages: 1181-1195
First Author: Puñal VM
Year: 2019
Journal: PLoS Biol
Title: Large-scale death of retinal astrocytes during normal development is non-apoptotic and implemented by microglia.
Volume: 17
Issue: 10
Pages: e3000492
First Author: Farhy-Tselnicker I
Year: 2017
Journal: Neuron
Title: Astrocyte-Secreted Glypican 4 Regulates Release of Neuronal Pentraxin 1 from Axons to Induce Functional Synapse Formation.
Volume: 96
Issue: 2
Pages: 428-445.e13
First Author: Zhang S
Year: 2020
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: Glial type specific regulation of CNS angiogenesis by HIFα-activated different signaling pathways.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 2027
First Author: Endo F
Year: 2022
Journal: Science
Title: Molecular basis of astrocyte diversity and morphology across the CNS in health and disease.
Volume: 378
Issue: 6619
Pages: eadc9020
First Author: Jo J
Year: 2021
Journal: EMBO Rep
Title: Regional heterogeneity of astrocyte morphogenesis dictated by the formin protein, Daam2, modifies circuit function.
Volume: 22
Issue: 12
Pages: e53200
First Author: Tran CHT
Year: 2018
Journal: Neuron
Title: Astrocytes Integrate Behavioral State and Vascular Signals during Functional Hyperemia.
Volume: 100
Issue: 5
Pages: 1133-1148.e3
First Author: de Mello NP
Year: 2023
Journal: Nat Protoc
Title: Ex vivo immunocapture and functional characterization of cell-type-specific mitochondria using MitoTag mice.
Volume: 18
Issue: 7
Pages: 2181-2220
First Author: Hill RA
Year: 2017
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: Targeted two-photon chemical apoptotic ablation of defined cell types in vivo.
Volume: 8
Pages: 15837
First Author: Escoubas CC
Year: 2024
Journal: Cell
Title: Type-I-interferon-responsive microglia shape cortical development and behavior.
Volume: 187
Issue: 8
Pages: 1936-1954.e24
First Author: Veldman MB
Year: 2020
Journal: Neuron
Title: Brainwide Genetic Sparse Cell Labeling to Illuminate the Morphology of Neurons and Glia with Cre-Dependent MORF Mice.
First Author: Yao S
Year: 2023
Journal: Nat Neurosci
Title: A whole-brain monosynaptic input connectome to neuron classes in mouse visual cortex.
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Pages: 350-364
First Author: Lee FK
Year: 2021
Journal: Elife
Title: Genetically engineered mice for combinatorial cardiovascular optobiology.
Volume: 10
First Author: The Gene Expression Nervous System Atlas (GENSAT) Project, The Rockefeller University (New York, NY)
Year: 2005
Journal: Database Download
Title: MGI download of GENSAT transgene data