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Search results 1 to 52 out of 52 for Tns1

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Category: Publication
Type Details Score
First Author: Shih YP
Year: 2015
Journal: Biochim Biophys Acta
Title: Tensin1 positively regulates RhoA activity through its interaction with DLC1.
Volume: 1853
Issue: 12
Pages: 3258-65
First Author: Chen H
Year: 2000
Journal: Biochem J
Title: Molecular characterization of human tensin.
Volume: 351 Pt 2
Pages: 403-11
First Author: Chen H
Year: 2002
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: Tensin1 and a previously undocumented family member, tensin2, positively regulate cell migration.
Volume: 99
Issue: 2
Pages: 733-8
First Author: Ishii A
Year: 2001
Journal: Biochem J
Title: A role of tensin in skeletal-muscle regeneration.
Volume: 356
Issue: Pt 3
Pages: 737-45
First Author: Williams M
Year: 1997
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: The Putative Mouse Heavy Metal Tolerance (Hvmt1) Gene Maps to Proximal Chromosome 1.
First Author: Lo SH
Year: 1997
Journal: J Cell Biol
Title: Progressive kidney degeneration in mice lacking tensin.
Volume: 136
Issue: 6
Pages: 1349-61
First Author: Chiang MK
Year: 2005
Journal: Dev Biol
Title: Inactivation of tensin3 in mice results in growth retardation and postnatal lethality.
Volume: 279
Issue: 2
Pages: 368-77
First Author: Dina C
Year: 2015
Journal: Nat Genet
Title: Genetic association analyses highlight biological pathways underlying mitral valve prolapse.
Volume: 47
Issue: 10
Pages: 1206-11
First Author: Leiter EH
Year: 1997
Journal: Mamm Genome
Title: Mapping to chromosomes 1 and 12 of mouse homologs of human protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type, related genes encoding pancreatic beta cell autoantigens.
Volume: 8
Issue: 12
Pages: 949-50
First Author: Jankowski SA
Year: 1995
Journal: Mamm Genome
Title: Genes for tensin, villin and desmin are linked on mouse chromosome 1.
Volume: 6
Issue: 10
Pages: 744-5
First Author: Enciso JM
Year: 2010
Journal: Dev Dyn
Title: Endothelial cell migration during murine yolk sac vascular remodeling occurs by means of a Rac1 and FAK activation pathway in vivo.
Volume: 239
Issue: 10
Pages: 2570-83
First Author: Chambers D
Year: 2009
Journal: Neural Dev
Title: Rhombomere-specific analysis reveals the repertoire of genetic cues expressed across the developing hindbrain.
Volume: 4
Pages: 6
First Author: MouseBookTM
Year: 2005
Journal: Unpublished
Title: Information obtained from MouseBookTM, Medical Research Council Mammalian Genetics Unit, Harwell, UK.
First Author: Cobellis G
Year: 2005
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res
Title: Tagging genes with cassette-exchange sites.
Volume: 33
Issue: 4
Pages: e44
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2001
Title: RIKEN Data Curation in Mouse Genome Informatics
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2002
Title: Mouse Genome Informatics Computational Sequence to Gene Associations for FANTOM2 data
First Author: Lennon G
Year: 1999
Journal: Database Download
Title: WashU-HHMI Mouse EST Project
First Author: International Mouse Strain Resource
Year: 2014
Journal: Database Download
Title: MGI download of germline transmission data for alleles from IMSR strain data
First Author: Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Year: 2010
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: Alleles produced for the EUCOMM and EUCOMMTools projects by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
First Author: Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH
Year: 2010
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: Alleles produced for the EUCOMM and EUCOMMTools projects by the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH (Hmgu)
First Author: Hansen GM
Year: 2008
Journal: Genome Res
Title: Large-scale gene trapping in C57BL/6N mouse embryonic stem cells.
Volume: 18
Issue: 10
Pages: 1670-9
First Author: Shanghai Model Organisms Center
Year: 2017
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: Information obtained from the Shanghai Model Organisms Center (SMOC), Shanghai, China
First Author: UniProt-GOA
Year: 2012
Title: Gene Ontology annotation based on UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Subcellular Location vocabulary mapping, accompanied by conservative changes to GO terms applied by UniProt
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2003
Title: MGI Sequence Curation Reference
First Author: Carninci P
Year: 2005
Journal: Science
Title: The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome.
Volume: 309
Issue: 5740
Pages: 1559-63
First Author: Kawai J
Year: 2001
Journal: Nature
Title: Functional annotation of a full-length mouse cDNA collection.
Volume: 409
Issue: 6821
Pages: 685-90
First Author: Zambrowicz BP
Year: 2003
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: Wnk1 kinase deficiency lowers blood pressure in mice: a gene-trap screen to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Volume: 100
Issue: 24
Pages: 14109-14
First Author: MGD Nomenclature Committee
Year: 1995
Title: Nomenclature Committee Use
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Year: 2008
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Gene Trap Data Load from dbGSS
First Author: GemPharmatech
Year: 2020
Title: GemPharmatech Website.
First Author: UniProt-GOA
Year: 2012
Title: Gene Ontology annotation based on UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot keyword mapping
First Author: The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database
Year: 2004
Journal: Database Release
Title: Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load
First Author: Okazaki Y
Year: 2002
Journal: Nature
Title: Analysis of the mouse transcriptome based on functional annotation of 60,770 full-length cDNAs.
Volume: 420
Issue: 6915
Pages: 563-73
First Author: The Gene Ontology Consortium
Year: 2010
Title: Automated transfer of experimentally-verified manual GO annotation data to mouse-human orthologs
First Author: Diez-Roux G
Year: 2011
Journal: PLoS Biol
Title: A high-resolution anatomical atlas of the transcriptome in the mouse embryo.
Volume: 9
Issue: 1
Pages: e1000582
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome U74 Array Platform (A, B, C v2).
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2002
Title: Mouse Genome Informatics Computational Sequence to Gene Associations
First Author: MGI Genome Annotation Group and UniGene Staff
Year: 2015
Journal: Database Download
Title: MGI-UniGene Interconnection Effort
First Author: Marc Feuermann, Huaiyu Mi, Pascale Gaudet, Dustin Ebert, Anushya Muruganujan, Paul Thomas
Year: 2010
Title: Annotation inferences using phylogenetic trees
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2009
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array Platform
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2009
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array Platform
First Author: Mouse Genome Database and National Center for Biotechnology Information
Year: 2000
Journal: Database Release
Title: Entrez Gene Load
First Author: Bairoch A
Year: 1999
Journal: Database Release
Title: SWISS-PROT Annotated protein sequence database
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Group
Year: 2003
Journal: Database Procedure
Title: Automatic Encodes (AutoE) Reference
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2005
Title: Obtaining and Loading Genome Assembly Coordinates from Ensembl Annotations
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Download
Title: Consensus CDS project
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2005
Title: Obtaining and loading genome assembly coordinates from NCBI annotations
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Release
Title: Protein Ontology Association Load.
First Author: Allen Institute for Brain Science
Year: 2004
Journal: Allen Institute
Title: Allen Brain Atlas: mouse riboprobes
First Author: Chang KC
Year: 2020
Journal: Nat Commun
Title: MaTAR25 lncRNA regulates the Tensin1 gene to impact breast cancer progression.
Volume: 11
Issue: 1
Pages: 6438
First Author: Ueda K
Year: 2014
Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Title: Genome-wide analysis of murine renal distal convoluted tubular cells for the target genes of mineralocorticoid receptor.
Volume: 445
Issue: 1
Pages: 132-7
First Author: Gerhard DS
Year: 2004
Journal: Genome Res
Title: The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).
Volume: 14
Issue: 10B
Pages: 2121-7