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Search results 1 to 100 out of 527 for Frem2

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Type Details Score
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: macaque, rhesus
Type: gene
Organism: frog, western clawed
Type: gene
Organism: rat
Type: gene
Organism: dog, domestic
Type: gene
Organism: chimpanzee
Type: gene
Organism: cattle
Type: gene
Organism: chicken
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Type: gene
Organism: human
First Author: Zhang X
Year: 2019
Journal: Exp Eye Res
Title: Loss-of-function mutations in FREM2 disrupt eye morphogenesis.
Volume: 181
Pages: 302-312
First Author: Jordan VK
Year: 2018
Journal: Hum Mol Genet
Title: The role of FREM2 and FRAS1 in the development of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Volume: 27
Issue: 12
Pages: 2064-2075
First Author: Timmer JR
Year: 2005
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: Tissue morphogenesis and vascular stability require the Frem2 protein, product of the mouse myelencephalic blebs gene.
Volume: 102
Issue: 33
Pages: 11746-50
First Author: Kiyozumi D
Year: 2006
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: Breakdown of the reciprocal stabilization of QBRICK/Frem1, Fras1, and Frem2 at the basement membrane provokes Fraser syndrome-like defects.
Volume: 103
Issue: 32
Pages: 11981-6
First Author: Karst SY
Year: 2012
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: No eyelid is a spontaneous missense mutation in Frem2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689419
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E11.5 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689421
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E13.5 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689424
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E15.5 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689426
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E18.5 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: postnatal day 4
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P4 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: postnatal day 14
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P14 - Frem2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:6173106
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Absent
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190329
Age: postnatal day 28
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P28 - Frem2
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 7
First Author: Zhang X
Year: 2020
Journal: Front Cell Dev Biol
Title: The Metabolic Reprogramming of Frem2 Mutant Mice Embryos in Cryptophthalmos Development.
Volume: 8
Pages: 625492
First Author: Petrou P
Year: 2007
Journal: Matrix Biol
Title: Basement membrane localization of Frem3 is independent of the Fras1/Frem1/Frem2 protein complex within the sublamina densa.
Volume: 26
Issue: 8
Pages: 652-8
First Author: Beck TF
Year: 2013
Journal: Hum Mol Genet
Title: Deficiency of FRAS1-related extracellular matrix 1 (FREM1) causes congenital diaphragmatic hernia in humans and mice.
Volume: 22
Issue: 5
Pages: 1026-38
First Author: Jadeja S
Year: 2005
Journal: Nat Genet
Title: Identification of a new gene mutated in Fraser syndrome and mouse myelencephalic blebs.
Volume: 37
Issue: 5
Pages: 520-5
First Author: Chiotaki R
Year: 2007
Journal: Gene Expr Patterns
Title: Spatiotemporal distribution of Fras1/Frem proteins during mouse embryonic development.
Volume: 7
Issue: 4
Pages: 381-8
First Author: Makrygiannis AK
Year: 2013
Journal: Histochem Cell Biol
Title: Segmental and restricted localization pattern of Fras1 in the developing meningeal basement membrane in mouse.
Volume: 140
Issue: 5
Pages: 595-601
First Author: Kiyozumi D
Year: 2007
Journal: Matrix Biol
Title: Frem3, a member of the 12 CSPG repeats-containing extracellular matrix protein family, is a basement membrane protein with tissue distribution patterns distinct from those of Fras1, Frem2, and QBRICK/Frem1.
Volume: 26
Issue: 6
Pages: 456-62
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus caroli
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus pahari
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus spretus
First Author: Little CC
Year: 1923
Journal: Am J Roentgenol
Title: The occurrence of two heritable types of abnormality among descendants of X-rayed mice.
Volume: 10
Pages: 975-989
First Author: Darling S
Year: 1994
Journal: Clin Dysmorphol
Title: A mouse model for Fraser syndrome?
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Pages: 91-5
First Author: Center EM
Year: 1992
Journal: Histol Histopathol
Title: Etiology of the developing eye in myelencephalic blebs (my) mice.
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
Pages: 231-6
First Author: Center EM
Year: 1977
Journal: Genet Res
Title: Genetical and embryological comparison of two mutations which cause foetal blebs in mice.
Volume: 29
Issue: 2
Pages: 147-57
First Author: Carter TC
Year: 1956
Journal: J Genet
Title: Genetics of the little and Bagg X-rayed mouse stock.
Volume: 54
Issue: 2
Pages: 311-26
First Author: Carter TC
Year: 1959
Journal: J Genet
Title: Embryology of the Little and Bagg X-rayed mouse stock.
Volume: 56
Issue: 3
Pages: 401-434
First Author: Little CC
Year: 1932
Journal: Genetics
Title: Further Studies on the Genetics of Abnormalities Appearing in the Descendants of X-Rayed Mice.
Volume: 17
Issue: 6
Pages: 674-88
First Author: Curtain MM
Year: 2008
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: A Spontaneous Mouse Strain with Cryptophthalmos
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:4939198
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2011-03-02
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737326
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:4939401
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Specimen Label: Wild-type
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:4939198
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2011-03-02
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737326
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:4939401
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Specimen Label: Vangl2Lp/Lp
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1842628
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Adrenal gland
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3514028
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Appendix
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3278228
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Bone
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Cerebellum
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1691028
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Cerebrum
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1683328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Esophagus
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1619828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Eye
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1610528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Heart
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Kidney
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1925228
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Large intestine
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1684628
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Liver
Specimen Num: 11
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1672828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Lung
Specimen Num: 12
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3552328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Lymph node
Specimen Num: 13
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1775928
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Mammary gland
Specimen Num: 14
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3557728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Muscle
Specimen Num: 15
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Female
Emaps: EMAPS:1796228
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Ovary
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 16
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1775128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Salivary gland
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 17
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3283428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Small intestine
Specimen Num: 18
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1752528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Skin
Specimen Num: 19
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1876728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Spleen
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 20
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1702128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Stomach
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1876828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Thymus
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1832128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Urinary bladder
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 23
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Female
Emaps: EMAPS:2991528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Uterus
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 24
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603916
Stage: TS16
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 10.0
Specimen Label: E10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 25
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603918
Stage: TS18
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 11.0
Specimen Label: E11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 26
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603920
Stage: TS20
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 12.0
Specimen Label: E12
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 27
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603921
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 13.0
Specimen Label: E13
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 28
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603922
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 14.0
Specimen Label: E14
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 29
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 15.0
Specimen Label: E15
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 30
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603924
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 16.0
Specimen Label: E16
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 31
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603925
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 17.0
Specimen Label: E17
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 32
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603926
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: embryonic day 18.0
Specimen Label: E18
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 33
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:5578462
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2014-08-23
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2576527
Stage: TS27
Assay Id: MGI:5578467
Age: postnatal newborn
Specimen Label: Newborn
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 34
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/my
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/my
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/my
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454278
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454289
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6454279
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2020-09-10
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:6454290
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 2
Specimen Label: my/my
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1