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Search results 1 to 100 out of 165 for Kcnh7

<< First    < Previous  |  Next >    Last >>
Type Details Score
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: cattle
Type: gene
Organism: chicken
Type: gene
Organism: zebrafish
Type: gene
Organism: macaque, rhesus
Type: gene
Organism: frog, western clawed
Type: gene
Organism: rat
Type: gene
Organism: dog, domestic
Type: gene
Organism: chimpanzee
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Type: gene
Organism: human
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689419
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E11.5 - Kcnh7
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689421
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E13.5 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689426
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E18.5 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: postnatal day 4
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P4 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: postnatal day 28
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P28 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689424
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Specimen Label: Table S2 - E15.5 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6175832
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2018-07-25
Strength: Present
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6190664
Age: postnatal day 14
Specimen Label: Table S2 - P14 - Kcnh7
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus caroli
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus pahari
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus spretus
First Author: Xiao K
Year: 2018
Journal: J Physiol
Title: ERG3 potassium channel-mediated suppression of neuronal intrinsic excitability and prevention of seizure generation in mice.
Volume: 596
Issue: 19
Pages: 4729-4752
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1691628
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Hindbrain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Brain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Forebrain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1697428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Brain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1697428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Midbrain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1716828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684629
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Retina
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1755028
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: MO
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1859028
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: NLR
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Cerebellum
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:5640704
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2015-06-18
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5641075
Age: postnatal day 15
Image: S7
Specimen Label: bv/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:5640704
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2015-06-18
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:5641075
Age: postnatal day 15
Image: S7
Specimen Label: bv/bv
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Cerebellum
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Brain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: NC
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3598828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684629
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Skeletal muscle
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1666828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684629
Age: postnatal day 10-15
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Dorsal root ganglia
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1666828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: DRG
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1610528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684629
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Heart
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1844128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684629
Age: postnatal day 10-15
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Superior cervical ganglia
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3280928
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Olfactory bulb
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Hindbrain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1756328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Pons
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1757728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684628
Age: postnatal week 4-6
Image: 4
Specimen Label: Spinal cord
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684619
Assay Type: RNase protection
Annotation Date: 2004-03-28
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1757728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033641
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Spinal cord
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:5640704
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2015-06-17
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3647224
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:5640798
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Image: S5
Specimen Label: bv/+
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:5640704
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2015-06-17
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3647224
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:5640798
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Image: S5
Specimen Label: bv/bv
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3526028
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689521
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 2L
Note: Expression is in the rostral forebrain.
Specimen Label: 2L
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689521
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1697421
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 2I
Specimen Label: 2I
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1697421
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1903728
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1755021
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 2F
Specimen Label: 2F
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1755021
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1733121
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 2C
Specimen Label: 2C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1733121
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 3F
Specimen Label: 3F
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 11
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1733121
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1752821
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 3L
Specimen Label: 3L
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 13
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3525828
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3276828
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778728
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 5c'''
Note: Expression is in the Purkinje, granular cells, and molecular layer.
Specimen Label: 5c'''
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 18
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1778721
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754428
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 5C
Note: Expression is in the deep cerebellar nuclei.
Specimen Label: 5C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 15
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754428
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 5c'
Note: Preferential expression in the more profound (IV to VI) cortical layers.
Specimen Label: 5c'
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 16
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754428
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 5c''
Specimen Label: 5c''
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 17
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1754421
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3522128
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3284528
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 5c''
Note: Expression in the CA1 and dentate gyrus.
Specimen Label: 5c''
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 17
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1666821
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 2C
Specimen Label: 2C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1666821
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 3C
Specimen Label: 3C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1666821
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603911
Stage: TS11
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 7.5
Specimen Label: Not Shown
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603913
Stage: TS13
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 8.5
Specimen Label: Not Shown
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3527228
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3569228
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3525928
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1624721
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 3O
Note: Expression is in the epithelial cells lining the gut.
Specimen Label: 3O
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 14
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1624721
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Note: Expression is in the epithelium.
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1715721
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 3C
Specimen Label: 3C
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1715721
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: Table 1. E13.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 21
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3522328
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:2684597
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2004-01-22
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3560828
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:2684601
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: Table 2, adult
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 22