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Search results 1 to 95 out of 95 for Nsrp1

Type Details Score
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: cattle
Type: gene
Organism: chicken
Type: gene
Organism: zebrafish
Type: gene
Organism: macaque, rhesus
Type: gene
Organism: frog, western clawed
Type: gene
Organism: rat
Type: gene
Organism: dog, domestic
Type: gene
Organism: chimpanzee
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Domain
Type: Family
Description: Nuclear speckles are subnuclear storage sites containing pre-mRNA splicing machinery. Nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 1 (Nsrp1), also known as NSRP70, is a nuclear speckle-related protein that mediates alternative splice site selection, targeting several pre-mRNAs []. It contains an N-terminal coiled-coil domain that is critical not only for self-oligomerization but also for splicing activity. It interacts physically with two SR (serine/arginine) proteins, SRSF1 and SRSF2, and reverses their splicing activity in terms of CD44 exon v5 as exon exclusion [].
First Author: Kim YD
Year: 2011
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res
Title: NSrp70 is a novel nuclear speckle-related protein that modulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing in vivo.
Volume: 39
Issue: 10
Pages: 4300-14
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 542  
Fragment?: false
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 331  
Fragment?: true
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 119  
Fragment?: true
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 403  
Fragment?: true
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 85  
Fragment?: true
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 78  
Fragment?: true
First Author: Kim CH
Year: 2016
Journal: J Biol Chem
Title: Nuclear Speckle-related Protein 70 Binds to Serine/Arginine-rich Splicing Factors 1 and 2 via an Arginine/Serine-like Region and Counteracts Their Alternative Splicing Activity.
Volume: 291
Issue: 12
Pages: 6169-81
First Author: Kim CH
Year: 2021
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res
Title: NSrp70 is a lymphocyte-essential splicing factor that controls thymocyte development.
Volume: 49
Issue: 10
Pages: 5760-5778
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus caroli
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus pahari
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus spretus
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1876728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Spleen
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Kidney
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1925228
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: L.I.
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 14
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3552328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: L.N.
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 11
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3271528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Muscle
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1672828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Lung
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1610528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Heart
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639930
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603919
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:7639936
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: 1
Specimen Label: E11
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639930
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603923
Stage: TS23
Assay Id: MGI:7639936
Age: embryonic day 15.5
Image: 1
Specimen Label: E15
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639930
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603925
Stage: TS25
Assay Id: MGI:7639936
Age: embryonic day 17.5
Image: 1
Specimen Label: E17
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639930
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603921
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:7639936
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Image: 1
Specimen Label: E13
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3283428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: S.I.
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 13
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3556128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: M.L.N.
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1684628
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Liver
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Male
Emaps: EMAPS:1797228
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Testis
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1876828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Thymus
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1702128
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Stomach
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 12
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Western blot
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639937
Age: postnatal week 8
Image: 1
Specimen Label: Brain
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603919
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS19
Assay Id: MGI:7639933
Age: embryonic day 11.5
Image: 1A Embryo
Specimen Label: 1A Embryo
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:160403
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS03
Assay Id: MGI:7639933
Age: embryonic day 3.0
Image: 1A Morula
Specimen Label: 1A Morula
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:7639927
Assay Type: Immunohistochemistry
Annotation Date: 2024-05-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Female
Emaps: EMAPS:3102528
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:7639933
Age: postnatal adult
Image: 1A Oocyte
Specimen Label: 1A Oocyte
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
First Author: Araki K
Year: 1999
Journal: Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand)
Title: Exchangeable gene trap using the Cre/mutated lox system.
Volume: 45
Issue: 5
Pages: 737-50
First Author: Taniwaki T
Year: 2005
Journal: Dev Growth Differ
Title: Characterization of an exchangeable gene trap using pU-17 carrying a stop codon-beta geo cassette.
Volume: 47
Issue: 3
Pages: 163-72
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2003
Journal: Database Download
Title: Integrating Computational Gene Models into the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) Database
First Author: Hansen J
Year: 2003
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: A large-scale, gene-driven mutagenesis approach for the functional analysis of the mouse genome.
Volume: 100
Issue: 17
Pages: 9918-22
First Author: Friedel RH
Year: 2007
Journal: Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic
Title: EUCOMM--the European conditional mouse mutagenesis program.
Volume: 6
Issue: 3
Pages: 180-5
First Author: MGI and IMPC
Year: 2018
Journal: Database Release
Title: MGI Load of Endonuclease-Mediated Alleles (CRISPR) from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2002
Title: Mouse Genome Informatics Computational Sequence to Gene Associations for FANTOM2 data
First Author: Stryke D
Year: 2003
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res
Title: BayGenomics: a resource of insertional mutations in mouse embryonic stem cells.
Volume: 31
Issue: 1
Pages: 278-81
First Author: Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH
Year: 2010
Journal: MGI Direct Data Submission
Title: Alleles produced for the EUCOMM and EUCOMMTools projects by the Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen GmbH (Hmgu)
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics and the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC)
Year: 2014
Journal: Database Release
Title: Obtaining and Loading Phenotype Annotations from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) Database
First Author: Hansen GM
Year: 2008
Journal: Genome Res
Title: Large-scale gene trapping in C57BL/6N mouse embryonic stem cells.
Volume: 18
Issue: 10
Pages: 1670-9
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2003
Title: MGI Sequence Curation Reference
First Author: Carninci P
Year: 2005
Journal: Science
Title: The transcriptional landscape of the mammalian genome.
Volume: 309
Issue: 5740
Pages: 1559-63
First Author: Zambrowicz BP
Year: 2003
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Title: Wnk1 kinase deficiency lowers blood pressure in mice: a gene-trap screen to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.
Volume: 100
Issue: 24
Pages: 14109-14
First Author: MGD Nomenclature Committee
Year: 1995
Title: Nomenclature Committee Use
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Year: 2008
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Gene Trap Data Load from dbGSS
First Author: GemPharmatech
Year: 2020
Title: GemPharmatech Website.
First Author: UniProt-GOA
Year: 2012
Title: Gene Ontology annotation based on UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot keyword mapping
First Author: AgBase, BHF-UCL, Parkinson's UK-UCL, dictyBase, HGNC, Roslin Institute, FlyBase and UniProtKB curators
Year: 2011
Title: Manual transfer of experimentally-verified manual GO annotation data to orthologs by curator judgment of sequence similarity
First Author: The Jackson Laboratory Mouse Radiation Hybrid Database
Year: 2004
Journal: Database Release
Title: Mouse T31 Radiation Hybrid Data Load
First Author: The Gene Ontology Consortium
Year: 2010
Title: Automated transfer of experimentally-verified manual GO annotation data to mouse-human orthologs
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome U74 Array Platform (A, B, C v2).
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2002
Title: Mouse Genome Informatics Computational Sequence to Gene Associations
First Author: MGI Genome Annotation Group and UniGene Staff
Year: 2015
Journal: Database Download
Title: MGI-UniGene Interconnection Effort
First Author: Mouse Genome Database and National Center for Biotechnology Information
Year: 2000
Journal: Database Release
Title: Entrez Gene Load
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2005
Title: Obtaining and Loading Genome Assembly Coordinates from Ensembl Annotations
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2005
Title: Obtaining and loading genome assembly coordinates from NCBI annotations
First Author: Allen Institute for Brain Science
Year: 2004
Journal: Allen Institute
Title: Allen Brain Atlas: mouse riboprobes
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Group
Year: 2003
Journal: Database Procedure
Title: Automatic Encodes (AutoE) Reference
First Author: Bairoch A
Year: 1999
Journal: Database Release
Title: SWISS-PROT Annotated protein sequence database
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Download
Title: Consensus CDS project
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics
Year: 2010
Journal: Database Release
Title: Protein Ontology Association Load.
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2009
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array Platform
First Author: Mouse Genome Informatics Scientific Curators
Year: 2009
Journal: Database Download
Title: Mouse Microarray Data Integration in Mouse Genome Informatics, the Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array Platform
HT Experiment  
Experiment Type: RNA-Seq
Study Type: WT vs. Mutant
Source: GEO