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Search results 1 to 100 out of 155 for Ptpn13

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Type Details Score
Type: gene
Organism: chimpanzee
Type: gene
Organism: dog, domestic
Type: gene
Organism: chicken
Type: gene
Organism: zebrafish
Type: gene
Organism: macaque, rhesus
Type: gene
Organism: frog, western clawed
Type: gene
Organism: cattle
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: rat
Protein Domain
Type: Family
Description: This entry represents non-receptor PTPase type 13 (also known as PTPL1, FAP-1 and PTP-BL). Studies indicate that this PTPase is involved in multiple regulatory functions including: negative regulation of FAS-induced apoptosis and NGFR-mediated pro-apoptotic signalling, regulation of the phophorylation status of ephrinB receptors in neurons, regulation of cytokinesis in epithelial cells, and the regulation of negative proliferation signals in breast cancer cells [, , , ]. This protein has been shown to interact with a wide variety of partners, an ability conferred by the presence of five distinct PDZ domains, and is thus suggested to function as an integrator between different signalling pathways. Multiple isoforms of this protein are formed by alternative splicing, which can dramatically affect its protein binding characteristics [].
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 1015  
Fragment?: false
Type: gene
Organism: human
First Author: Sardina JL
Year: 2014
Journal: Biochim Biophys Acta
Title: PTPN13 regulates cellular signalling and β-catenin function during megakaryocytic differentiation.
Volume: 1843
Issue: 12
Pages: 2886-99
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3609677
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2006-01-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689424
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:3610142
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Specimen Label: 1 ptpn13 E16.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:3609677
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2006-01-16
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689422
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:3610142
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Specimen Label: 1 ptpn13 E14.5
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
Type: gene
Organism: human
First Author: Hagemann N
Year: 2013
Journal: Oncogene
Title: The serologically defined colon cancer antigen-3 interacts with the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN13 and is involved in the regulation of cytokinesis.
Volume: 32
Issue: 39
Pages: 4602-13
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: human
Type: gene
Organism: human
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 2453  
Fragment?: false
Organism: Mus musculus/domesticus
Length: 2451  
Fragment?: false
First Author: Irie S
Year: 1999
Journal: FEBS Lett
Title: Functional interaction of Fas-associated phosphatase-1 (FAP-1) with p75(NTR) and their effect on NF-kappaB activation.
Volume: 460
Issue: 2
Pages: 191-8
First Author: Palmer A
Year: 2002
Journal: Mol Cell
Title: EphrinB phosphorylation and reverse signaling: regulation by Src kinases and PTP-BL phosphatase.
Volume: 9
Issue: 4
Pages: 725-37
First Author: Herrmann L
Year: 2003
Journal: Mol Biol Cell
Title: The protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL associates with the midbody and is involved in the regulation of cytokinesis.
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Pages: 230-40
First Author: Freiss G
Year: 1998
Journal: Mol Endocrinol
Title: Extinction of insulin-like growth factor-I mitogenic signaling by antiestrogen-stimulated Fas-associated protein tyrosine phosphatase-1 in human breast cancer cells.
Volume: 12
Issue: 4
Pages: 568-79
First Author: Erdmann KS
Year: 2000
Journal: Oncogene
Title: The Adenomatous Polyposis Coli-protein (APC) interacts with the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL via an alternatively spliced PDZ domain.
Volume: 19
Issue: 34
Pages: 3894-901
First Author: van den Maagdenberg AM
Year: 1996
Journal: Cytogenet Cell Genet
Title: The gene (PTPN13) encoding the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL/PTP-BAS is located in mouse chromosome region 5E/F and human chromosome region 4q21.
Volume: 74
Issue: 1-2
Pages: 153-5
First Author: Nedachi T
Year: 2004
Journal: Development
Title: Potential role of protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 13 in the control of oocyte meiotic maturation.
Volume: 131
Issue: 20
Pages: 4987-98
First Author: Kawano S
Year: 2009
Journal: J Biol Chem
Title: Silencing of ErbB3/ErbB2 signaling by immunoglobulin-like Necl-2.
Volume: 284
Issue: 35
Pages: 23793-805
First Author: Bauler TJ
Year: 2008
Journal: PLoS One
Title: The FERM and PDZ domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatases, PTPN4 and PTPN3, are both dispensable for T cell receptor signal transduction.
Volume: 3
Issue: 12
Pages: e4014
First Author: Wang Y
Year: 2017
Journal: Sci Rep
Title: The tyrosine phosphatase PTPN13/FAP-1 links calpain-2, TBI and tau tyrosine phosphorylation.
Volume: 7
Issue: 1
Pages: 11771
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus caroli
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: mouse, laboratory
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus pahari
Protein Coding Gene
Type: protein_coding_gene
Organism: Mus spretus
First Author: Hendriks W
Year: 1995
Journal: J Cell Biochem
Title: Molecular cloning of a mouse epithelial protein-tyrosine phosphatase with similarities to submembranous proteins.
Volume: 59
Issue: 4
Pages: 418-30
First Author: Chida D
Year: 1995
Journal: FEBS Lett
Title: Characterization of a protein tyrosine phosphatase (RIP) expressed at a very early stage of differentiation in both mouse erythroleukemia and embryonal carcinoma cells.
Volume: 358
Issue: 3
Pages: 233-9
First Author: Sato T
Year: 1995
Journal: Science
Title: FAP-1: a protein tyrosine phosphatase that associates with Fas.
Volume: 268
Issue: 5209
Pages: 411-5
First Author: Wansink DG
Year: 2004
Journal: Physiol Genomics
Title: Mild impairment of motor nerve repair in mice lacking PTP-BL tyrosine phosphatase activity.
Volume: 19
Issue: 1
Pages: 50-60
First Author: Nakahira M
Year: 2007
Journal: Immunity
Title: Regulation of signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling by the tyrosine phosphatase PTP-BL.
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Pages: 163-76
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1876728
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 4
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1737328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 8
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:3693569
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2007-01-15
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1771322
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:3693777
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Specimen Label: wt
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression        
Probe: MGI:3693569
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2007-01-15
Strength: Not Specified
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1771322
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:3693777
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Specimen Label: Runx2-/-
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1671516
Stage: TS16
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: embryonic day 10.0
Image: 5
Specimen Label: E10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1671520
Stage: TS20
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: embryonic day 12.0
Image: 5
Specimen Label: E12
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3670212
Stage: TS12
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: embryonic day 8.5
Image: 5
Specimen Label: E8.5
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1672828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 7
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3598828
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 2
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1610528
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 3
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603921
Stage: TS21
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: embryonic day 13.5
Specimen Label: 10
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6431267
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2020-06-03
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3586222
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:6431277
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: 3
Specimen Label: Trunk-ant
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1684628
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 6
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1893924
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: embryonic day 16.0
Image: 5
Specimen Label: E16
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1893928
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: postnatal week 1
Image: 5
Specimen Label: P1W
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6192382
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2018-07-31
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1893928
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6192390
Age: postnatal week 6
Image: 5
Specimen Label: P6W
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6431267
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2020-06-03
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3510422
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:6431277
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: 3
Specimen Label: Trunk-post
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1750328
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 5
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression      
Probe: MGI:1096626
Assay Type: Northern blot
Annotation Date: 2004-03-24
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689428
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:3033363
Age: postnatal adult
Specimen Label: 1
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6431267
Assay Type: RT-PCR
Annotation Date: 2020-06-03
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689422
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:6431277
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Image: 3
Specimen Label: Brain
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression    
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Absent
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3568928
Stage: TS28
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: postnatal
Note: No specific expression in placenta.
Specimen Label: 2a/b placenta
Detected: false
Specimen Num: 2
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1691726
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: High expression within ependymal cell layer of fourth ventricle.
Specimen Label: 3a/b
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 4
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1702326
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: High expression in epithelia of stomach.
Specimen Label: 3e/f
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 6
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3525122
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS22
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 14.5
Note: Authors report expression in some non-epithelial cells, such as connective tissue surrounding the vertebra in day 14.5 embryos.
Specimen Label: E14.5 not shown
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 10
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1683524
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1752824
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1603915
Pattern: Widespread
Stage: TS15
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 9.5
Note: High expression in all cells of the embryo.
Specimen Label: 2a/b embryo
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 1
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2808924
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3286024
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Weak
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3292826
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: Low expression in epithelial cells of the gut.
Specimen Label: E18.5 not shown
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 9
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Strong
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:3269326
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: High expression in epithelia of bronchioli of lung.
Specimen Label: 3c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 5
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1868526
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: Expression within seminiferous tubules of testis.
Specimen Label: 3i/k
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 8
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2825726
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS26
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 18.5
Note: Expression in cells forming Bowman's capsule of kidney.
Specimen Label: 3g/h
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 7
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1760524
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:1689424
Pattern: Regionally restricted
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression in epithelial cells surrounding vesicles of the brain.
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
GXD Expression  
Probe: MGI:6272757
Assay Type: RNA in situ
Annotation Date: 2019-01-09
Strength: Present
Sex: Not Specified
Emaps: EMAPS:2860124
Pattern: Not Specified
Stage: TS24
Assay Id: MGI:6272759
Age: embryonic day 16.5
Note: Expression restricted to epithelial cells. Expression in epithelia of skin, esophagus, nasal cavity, lung, kidney, ureter and bladder.v
Specimen Label: 2c/d
Detected: true
Specimen Num: 3
First Author: Cuppen E
Year: 1999
Journal: FEBS Lett
Title: Identification and molecular characterization of BP75, a novel bromodomain-containing protein.
Volume: 459
Issue: 3
Pages: 291-8
First Author: Cuppen E
Year: 1998
Journal: Mol Biol Cell
Title: PDZ motifs in PTP-BL and RIL bind to internal protein segments in the LIM domain protein RIL.
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
Pages: 671-83
First Author: Sawada M
Year: 1994
Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Title: cDNA cloning of a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase with homology to cytoskeletal protein 4.1 and its expression in T-lineage cells.
Volume: 203
Issue: 1
Pages: 479-84
First Author: Lorber B
Year: 2005
Journal: Eur J Neurosci
Title: Effects of LAR and PTP-BL phosphatase deficiency on adult mouse retinal cells activated by lens injury.
Volume: 21
Issue: 9
Pages: 2375-83