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Publication : Rapid ATP loss caused by methamphetamine in the mouse striatum: relationship between energy impairment and dopaminergic neurotoxicity.

First Author  Chan P Year  1994
Journal  J Neurochem Volume  62
Issue  6 Pages  2484-7
PubMed ID  8189253 Mgi Jnum  J:18131
Mgi Id  MGI:66146 Doi  10.1046/j.1471-4159.1994.62062484.x
Citation  Chan P, et al. (1994) Rapid ATP loss caused by methamphetamine in the mouse striatum: relationship between energy impairment and dopaminergic neurotoxicity. J Neurochem 62(6):2484-7
abstractText  To study the relationship between energy impairment and the effects of d-methamphetamine (METH) on dopaminergic neurons, ATP and dopamine levels were measured in the brain of C57BL/6 mice treated with either a single or four injections of METH (10 mg/kg, i.p.) at 2-h intervals. Neither striatal ATP nor dopamine concentrations changed after a single injection of METH, but both were significantly decreased 1.5 h after the multiple-dose regimen. The effects of METH on ATP levels appear to be selective for the striatum, as ATP concentrations were not affected in the cerebellar cortex and hippocampus after either a single or multiple injections of METH. In a second set of experiments, an intraperitoneal injection of 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG; 1 g/kg), an inhibitor of glucose uptake and utilization, was given 30 min before the third and fourth injections of METH. 2-DG significantly potentiated METH-induced striatal ATP loss at 1.5 h and dopamine depletions at 1.5 h and 1 week. These results indicate that a toxic regimen of METH selectively causes striatal energy impairment and raise the possibility that perturbations of energy metabolism play a role in METH-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity.
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