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Allele : Tg(Neurod4-cre/ERT2)D4ATahi transgene insertion D4A, Tatsumi Hirata

Primary Identifier  MGI:6712715 Allele Type  Transgenic
Attribute String  Inducible, Recombinase Gene  Tg(Neurod4-cre/ERT2)D4ATahi
Strain of Origin  C57BL/6 Induced With  tamoxifen
Is Recombinase  true Is Wild Type  false
molecularNote  The transgene was constructed using a genomic BAC clone RP23-55O18 encoding the mouse neurod4 gene by inserting a CreERT2 cassette at the first ATG sequence of exon2 and the loxP site in the vector backbone (pBACe3.6) was deleted by replacement with the zeocin resistance gene. The five mouse lines that independently received the transgene integration were then assayed for the Cre recombinase activities. Through this screen, one line (G1C) was selected by the highest recombination rate.
  • mutations:
  • Insertion
  • synonyms:
  • Neurod4<CreER>(D4A),
  • Neurod4<CreER>(D4A)
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