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Publication : Temporally controlled site-specific mutagenesis in the germ cell lineage of the mouse testis.

First Author  Weber P Year  2003
Journal  Biol Reprod Volume  68
Issue  2 Pages  553-9
PubMed ID  12533419 Mgi Jnum  J:81392
Mgi Id  MGI:2449243 Doi  10.1095/biolreprod.102.005801
Citation  Weber P, et al. (2003) Temporally controlled site-specific mutagenesis in the germ cell lineage of the mouse testis. Biol Reprod 68(2):553-9
abstractText  We have obtained a PrP-Cre-ER(T) transgenic mouse line (28.8) that selectively expresses in testis the tamoxifen-inducible Cre-ER(T) recombinase under the control of a mouse Prion protein (PrP) promoter-containing genomic fragment. Cre-ER(T) is expressed in spermatogonia and spermatocytes, but not in Sertoli and Leydig cells. We also established reporter PrP-L-EGFP-L transgenic mice harboring a LoxP-flanked enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) Cre reporter cassette under the control of the same PrP promoter-containing genomic fragment that exhibits prominent EGFP expression in brain and testis. Using the PrP-L-EGFP-L as well as other Cre-reporter mice, we demonstrate that tamoxifen administration efficiently and selectively induces Cre-mediated recombination in the germ cell lineage. The established PrP-Cre-ER(T) line should provide a valuable tool for studying functions of germ cell-expressed genes involved in spermatogenesis.
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