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Publication : Caspase signalling controls microglia activation and neurotoxicity.

First Author  Burguillos MA Year  2011
Journal  Nature Volume  472
Issue  7343 Pages  319-24
PubMed ID  21389984 Mgi Jnum  J:171117
Mgi Id  MGI:4948763 Doi  10.1038/nature09788
Citation  Burguillos MA, et al. (2011) Caspase signalling controls microglia activation and neurotoxicity. Nature 472(7343):319-24
abstractText  Activation of microglia and inflammation-mediated neurotoxicity are suggested to play a decisive role in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative disorders. Activated microglia release pro-inflammatory factors that may be neurotoxic. Here we show that the orderly activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3/7, known executioners of apoptotic cell death, regulate microglia activation through a protein kinase C (PKC)-delta-dependent pathway. We find that stimulation of microglia with various inflammogens activates caspase-8 and caspase-3/7 in microglia without triggering cell death in vitro and in vivo. Knockdown or chemical inhibition of each of these caspases hindered microglia activation and consequently reduced neurotoxicity. We observe that these caspases are activated in microglia in the ventral mesencephalon of Parkinson's disease (PD) and the frontal cortex of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Taken together, we show that caspase-8 and caspase-3/7 are involved in regulating microglia activation. We conclude that inhibition of these caspases could be neuroprotective by targeting the microglia rather than the neurons themselves.
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