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Allele : Zap70<m2Btlr> zeta-chain (TCR) associated protein kinase; mutation 2, Bruce Beutler

Primary Identifier  MGI:5141315 Allele Type  Chemically induced (ENU)
Gene  Zap70 Strain of Origin  C57BL/6J
Is Recombinase  false Is Wild Type  false
Project Collection  Beutler Mutagenetix
molecularNote  ENU mutagenesis induced A to T transversion at position 1566 (NCBI RefSeq: NM_009539). The mutation results in a tyrosine to phenylalanine substitution at amino acid 492 (Y492F).
  • mutations:
  • Single point mutation
  • synonyms:
  • trebia,
  • trebia
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