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Publication : Distinct roles for S100a8 in early embryo development and in the maternal deciduum.

First Author  Baker JR Year  2011
Journal  Dev Dyn Volume  240
Issue  9 Pages  2194-203
PubMed ID  22016186 Mgi Jnum  J:177483
Mgi Id  MGI:5295300 Doi  10.1002/dvdy.22709
Citation  Baker JR, et al. (2011) Distinct roles for S100a8 in early embryo development and in the maternal deciduum. Dev Dyn 240(9):2194-203
abstractText  S100a8 is a cytosolic protein expressed in myeloid cells where it forms a stable heterodimer with another S100 protein family member, S100a9. The S100a9(-/-) mouse is viable and phenotypically normal, whereas the S100a8(-/-) condition is embryonic lethal. We present evidence that S100a8, without S100a9, has a previously unrecognized role in embryo development between fertilization and the 8-cell stage at embryonic day (E) 2.5. S100a8 also has a second role in the maternal deciduum, where expression is associated with the vasculature from the E8.5 stage to the formation of mature placenta. Uterine natural killer cells that have a role in vascular remodelling colocalise with the S100a8 vascular expression in the metrial triangle. In inflammatory responses in peripheral tissues, S100a8 is a potent chemoattractant and also an anti-oxidant. Both roles may be important in the developing placenta. Thus we highlight two new S100a9-independent roles for S100a8 in early embryo development. Developmental Dynamics 240:2194-2203, 2011. (c) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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