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Publication : Genetic mapping of the whirler mutation.

First Author  Rogers MJ Year  1999
Journal  Mamm Genome Volume  10
Issue  5 Pages  513-9
PubMed ID  10337627 Mgi Jnum  J:54496
Mgi Id  MGI:1335970 Doi  10.1007/s003359901032
Citation  Rogers MJ, et al. (1999) Genetic mapping of the whirler mutation. Mamm Genome 10(5):513-9
abstractText  The whirler (wi) mutation on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 4 results in an autosomal recessive neuroepithelial deafness and vestibular dysfunction exhibited as a characteristic shaker-waltzer behavior (deafness, circling, and head- bobbing). We have constructed a generic linkage map across the wi region in both an interspecific [(wi/wi x CAST/Ei)F- 1 x wi/wi] backcross (n = 817) and an intraspecific [(wi/ wi x CBA/Ca)F-1 x wi/wi)] backcross (n = 335). In the interspecific backcross, wi was found to be non- recombinant with Oi-ml, 0.12 cM distal of D4Mit87 and Ambp, and 0.12 cM proximal of CD301. In the intraspecific backcross, wi was found to be non-recombinant with Orm1 and D4Mit244, 0.3 cM distal of Mup1, and 0.6 cM proximal of Tnc. We also report a family from the interspecific backcross that shows evidence of multiple recombinations across the region of mouse Chr 4 around the wi locus. These rearrangements appear specific to both the region and the family.
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